Probably had a minion stand in for them.

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A GoldenSacks lunch hour, vs. the rest of your life? It's no contest, really.

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That's never been a problem for them. The issue here is that they now know that we know.

Is there a medical term for "fear of pitchforks"?

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Your daughter might know my daughter. How weird is that?

Best BXSCI story I have is the friends of ours who couldn't find the school ... they drove right by, but thought it was a Catholic school because of the big mosaic with images of all the saints.

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Next pundit who brings up a possible independent presidential run as the "centrist" candidate can eat a big bag of rat feces.

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Among the many: <a href="http:\/\/www.bronxscienceendowmentfu...\/about\/images\/about_us_01.jpg" target="_blank">St. Isaac and St. Galileo. </a>

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Re the photo, I assume they couldn't find a vulture.

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Wall Street billionaire jumps to the defense of a Wall Street investment house. Now that's a news item that deserves to be on the front page, above the fold!

Most people here are probably familiar with Michael Lewis' excellent book "Liars Poker." There's an even better expose of Wall Street - "F.I.A.S.C.O." Highly recommended!

We do need a Wonkette Book Page!

Also, a place here to post about books.

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Your Comment reminded me of Mel Brooks as King Louiis XIV in The History of the World when the Pissboy kept following him around.

These two buffoons eating at the Shake Shack was the phoniest dining event in NYC since Duh Gov'Nuh and Donald Chump had their pizza lunch. And Chump used a knife and fork.

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