Or risk Bernie having a heart attack during one.

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Yeah, she got hit hard by the Russian bots early with the COP nonsense that was aimed at Black Twitter and FB, which was picked up by various factionalists.

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They definitely should, Iowa is what we are trying not to be (Meaning mostly all white, not to shame any good Iowans here).

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Well, if we benefit from his accurate messaging, I say we string him along for a while.

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Who cares what a conspiracy theorist buys or not? Your judgement is beyond suspect.

Learn about donation limits for citizens. Your theoretical NBA team is limited to $2800 per person. That's a whopping $42K to a candidate. Regular season limit on the number of players of course. $56K for an off season roster.

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Booker doesn't sound black?

What exactly does a black person sound like?

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I have never been polled, maybe because I do not answer blind calls or private numbers, if they want people to answer they need to list who the fuck they are in their numbers, just my opinion

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Looks like the VP choice is going to be yooooge. If its not a woman and a woman of color (KAMALA) then I'll shat my tightey whities and break out my Shout.We are supposed to be the smart Party, the all inclusive Party, the desperately needing blacks especially black lady voters Party. It isn't that hard to figure out is it? Tom Perez isn't white, is he, unless he took a Spanish name to sound cool and he's really a honky in disguise.

Dear DNC, we want and need, nay-must have a POC VP, preferably in at least 4" heels and bringing the heat.POC votes matter!

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> "Kamala's a cop" caught fire in a way that it didn't for Klobuchar, who'd also worked as a prosecutor

I would point out that the main reason for this is likely because nobody ever thought Klobuchar had a chance, she was always one of the joke candidates people talked about when discussing the fact that we had too many freaking candidates and literally for no other reason (other than occasionally to point out that she was also just not a very good candidate). On the other hand, at least some people (including me!), at some point, thought she was actually a viable candidate deserving of support. No reason to fight back against a candidate who's worse than a long-shot - what'd be the point?

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sure thing Archie...

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This poll was conducted by a state university.

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But, but, but, she's a COP!!!11!!

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"If none exists, should it be down to the DNC to create one?"Clearly yes.

When you don't have the right management tools, you either set them up or you own the mess.

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I'm 73 year old. I'm also white white white and a freaking screaming left wing socialist. In the meantime, Bernie's the only one i give a shit about. The DLC has it head up its ass.

But I'm not kickin' it until AOC is eligible to run.

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Not what you were talking about there super chief.

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