"And she still finds time to <em>tell the accountant to</em> document the expenses for the horse<em>s</em> so Mittens can write it off the taxes."


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MA Gov has the line-item veto, so he vetoed 8 parts of it, all of which were overturned.

The latest installment of <a href="http:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/blogs\/fact-checker\/post\/mitt-romneys-massachusetts-record-proof-of-strong-leadership\/2012\/06\/12\/gJQArQUQXV_blog.html" target="_blank">Chronicling Mitt's Mendacity</a> (volume 22!!!) has a link to a WaPo <a href="http:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/blogs\/fact-checker\/post\/mitt-romneys-massachusetts-record-proof-of-strong-leadership\/2012\/06\/12\/gJQArQUQXV_blog.html" target="_blank">fact-check</a> wherein they point out that Romney's claim that his Massachusetts record shows he led the legislature to bipartisan agreement is basically entirely false. He issued 800 vetoes, 700 of which were overturned by the Democratic supermajority in the legislature, including 8 Romneycare-related strikes.

Really Romneycare happened as much despite him as because of him, but he likes to claim credit because otherwise the only other thing of any note in his term is the shitty job numbers that he invents absurd standards to try to disguise.

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Okay. I like "dirty," myself.

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When my daughter was a toddler and learning her colors, we taught her that the color of her skin was "beige."

We also taught her to sing the first few bars of "Misty."

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It's hard to put yourself in the mindset of a borderline* sociopath when you're a normal, caring, compassionate human being.

* benefit of whatever doubt may exist.

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The Southern strategy.

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This one massively predates t'internet.

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Sounds like an audition for a Guy Ritchie movie...

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Having those 8 Romneycare vetoes overturned, for example?

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To be fair to him, it worked out. Admittedly, it was dumb fucking luck that a black guy won in '08 so he'd have the wingnuts all confused in the realization that noone they actually <em>liked</em> could possibly achieve their main goal of kicking the uppity nigra outta the Whites Only House. But once that happened, his "hey look, I won in a blue state, I'm the electable guy" schtick worked, albeit in large part due to the fact that he was running against a league of morons.

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"I'm sorry you were such a cunt I had to point it out, and I'm sorry you were offended by what you saw in the mirror"

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Fucking BYU has a campus there. Mormons love Hawaii.

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When a woman makes snide comments about the family having their "own places" for vacations, there's really no need to mention it, is there? She scores a perfect 10 on the clueless statement scale with that gem. Mitt must be so proud.

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I think she got into horses because they're too big for Mitt to strap to the roof.

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