I've said it before... too many of my students.

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I once taught an online US history course where two girls who were taking the course together handed in well-nigh identical assignments, both of which were extremely similar to some online source, probably Wikipedia. When I called them on this, the argument I was presented with was that they had been best friends all their lives, so naturally their writing was eerily similar- they just thought alike.

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Once again, you misspoke.

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I hope I'm not too late. If possible, I'd like a D. Phil. Degrees always sound more sophisticated if they're reversed. Also, I already have a C. Phil., so it would make for a matched set.

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I want mine Magnum cum Laudanum.

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I bet he calls it the RAND Corporation.

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I've written two online courses; it involved basically writing an online text, and I invested a lot of time and mental effort in USING MY OWN WORDS to retell basic facts of Canadian History/concepts in Canadian law. It's just what you do when you're a professional. But then, he wouldn't understand that concept; he couldn't even become a professional without creating his own board to certify him as such.

I really cannot believe that voters actually take him seriously enough to elect him. But then, my former home, Toronto, might actually re-elect a confessed crack-head, so there's that.

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If you had a copy of <em>Elements of Style</em> there, you would know that conditional is a mood, not a tense.

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Party of Personal Responsibility: "I got caught plagiarising, but it's all my staff's fault, plus it's all the journalists' fault for catching me."

Supporters of Party of Personal Responsibility: "Hey, at least he took personal responsibility and didn't blame anyone else like Nobummer would have!"


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Also, did he stop kidnapping people yet?

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Pretty sure it was every bit his intention to reproduce <a href="http:\/\/www.buzzfeed.com\/andrewkaczynski\/entire-section-of-rand-pauls-book-copied-verbatim-from-case" target="_blank">1,300 fucking words</a> of Heritage Foundation arglebargle verbatim in his book. Kind of hard to fail to notice when you're doing that.

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Ahem, also not a tense.

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One of the reasons I am glad to have received my schooling in the motherland: Strunk & White never had much influence over there, although Fowler was similarly bossy and needlessly overprescriptive.

That, and lack of educational debt. Unlike my younger brother, poor bastard was born too late.

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Oscar Wilde?

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Saul of Tarsus?

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HE is the one who should be offering YOU The Pot®! Stupid Millennials!

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