And even then there are what's called STP (Stand To Pee) devices that trans men use so they can use urinals just like any other cis man. So.... I dunno. I just imagine that you have to post security guards that wave a wand in your genital area to see what it comes back before they direct you to the proper bathroom. At least they'll be able to market that as a job creating bill.

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Here are your best (R-Mouthpooper) options:

1. You can delete all your comments, Jeb-handler stylee2. If anyone questions you, say "I'm no biologist, the science is not settled on how they poop"3. If anyone questions you, claim it was TOO a warzone4. If anyone questions you, just say you'll "punt" on it

5. If anyone questions you, just say it wasn't intended to be a factual statement

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It's terms like that that make me wonder if these people aren't *actually* homophobic, as in completely afraid of gay people. I'm sure that if you dropped them into a gay sports bar they'd probably lose their shit. "Guys that are tougher than me who are gay...RUN, RUN...."

Since his organization is so fond of raiding churches, maybe a few Gay Rugby Leagues should invade his...

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Nothing to do with logic. You start with an emotional assumption that trans-people are evil worse-than-homosexual aberrations, then simply use your Christian Imagination to start picturing every possible terrible sex-thing you know they must be doing, and never stop imagining it, until you've driven yourself insane because of all the chicks with dicks and beardy men in dresses with vajeens, pogo-dancing constantly inside your teeny brain, which is so small and cramped, you can't tell whether Muscular Jesus is joining them, or another one of them, or what.

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Actually, you can, but only twice. The second time is to apologize for the first.

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What'd Bubba ever do to you to deserve this asshole? Maybe Bubba has some fucking standards, you ever think of that?

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I believe you must assign one of your most evil minions talented managers to make this happen.

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with the Kansas option included.

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On the plus side, the Homo-Nazis have uniforms that somehow manage to make Hugo Boss look like someone who got rejected from art school.

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Your modern Italian fascist has no time for Nazis, because listening to Hitler was Mussolini´s undoing. He was fine up to then.

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Oh, I know, but "Excuse me, not everyone hates Nazis - Italian Fascists BEFORE 1944 (because of what happened when Mussolini listened to Hitler)" just doesn't trip off the tongue the same way.

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It just sounds like that because their is head is so far up their ass.

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Some of those "homos" also fought and bled. Why do the wingnuts have such selective illogic?

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The Benham family really does seem to take an overly wide stance on bathrooms.

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Wingnuts don't poop either. It all comes out of their mouths....Eww, did I just write that?

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Unfortunately, yes.

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