<blockquote>There is some other stuff in here about Jackson Lee showing off her hubris....</blockquote><br /> Congresswoman Lee, call people motherfuckers if you want to, but I think we all agree that nobody wants to see your hubris.

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I'm sorry, but Sheila Jackson Lee will never be able to match <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/216976\/pretend-rep-clearly-beloved-by-constituency" target="_blank">Shelley "Dracula Cunt" Gibbs</a>. Anyone who can have Tom DeLay's entire staff -- yes, <i>Tom Delay's</i> -- quit on her must be something special indeed.

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Trendy Man: Mr. Melon, your wife was just showing us her Klimt. Thornton Melon: You too, huh? She's shown it to everybody.

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If it wasn't for calling out downfisters I'd still be at 101p

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She seems nice in a Lizzie Borden kind of way.

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If this is what holding a seat in Congress does to a normal woman, God only knows what would happen if Sarah Palin won such a seat..before she quit, of course.

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OK. Other members of Congress are nice to their staff while kicking Real Americans™ in the balls and/or ovaries with their votes. Cut Planned Parenthood funding. End Sesame Street. Repeal Health Insurance Reform. "So be it."

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<i>“We would never leave a knife around when the congresswoman was here,” </i> And you would have a knife in your office to leave around, why exactly?

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