Or in this case PEENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!,,1!,!!,1

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"I never engaged in a sexual [act] with Mr. Morrissey" - I'm wondering if they're using the Clinton / Catholic high schooler rules, where tongues and hands doesn't count and it's not sex unless it's penis in the vagina.

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Further Channeling a Deleted Commenter: "Go ahead and get picky. It doesn't invalidate my main point!!!111!!!!!!!!!1.11!1.!!!!1"

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Four children out of wedlock, and he owns an assault rifle, what a patriotic American. His plea dealio should have included your nuts or a vasectomy, along with possible retroactive child support to the mothers of the other ththree, and a by the way, likely how old were these women when they became pregnant? No snark on this one, despite the fact he had the votes.

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I would like to apologize for how fucking stupid the voters in that district are. I thought my little corner of Va was un-smartified. And yes, there really is something in our drinking water. BUY MORE GOLD!!

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They pretty much have. He was technically independent when he reclaimed his seat weeks after resigning, because the party took him off the ticket in a firehouse primary.

Now he's trying to run for a state senate seat, and the party disallowed enough of the signatures on his ballot petition to keep him out of the primary for that seat. But Fightin' Joe might go for that one as an independent, too. If we're lucky . . . .

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The name Chase is not that uncommon for a man's first name, There is a rural town in Central Kansas named Chase. I once met a parking lot attendant from Ethiopia whose name was Yellow.

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American exceptionalism.

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Oh, also, too, at the press conference where he announced his upcoming nuptials, Morrissey added that he had also fathered a total of four children out of wedlock with different women. The Seeds of Womb.

Now that's some fanboy stuff right there.

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Carrying on in the fine olde Virginia tradition. Gonna go barf now....

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Here, have a kitteh.

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You forgot "BEENGHASSI!!!1!!!1!!!!1!!1"

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Dogs don't have opposable thumbs and they've shot guns before, so it's not really a fail-safe, is it?

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This is so, so true.Very sad that early on I made the mistake of wanting to be friends with young women, but couldn't understand why the social dynamic doesn't really allow for it.It was also weird to be made to feel like I would have to shag them (or at least try) otherwise I didn't really 'fit in': i.e. "Why aren't you trying to perve me! You weirdo!"Hey ho!

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Is is weird that this seems perfectly acceptable behaviour in the midst of the buried Duggar pedo stuff?

I mean, hey, I wish them well (but he'll be in his seventies when the baby becomes a teenager... not to mention his new wife!)

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The thought of a cat with opposable thumbs fills me with fear... for reference, read the short story, Tobermory, by Saki, about a man who taught a cat to talk.

Shenanigans ensue.

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