Berniebros just hated the idea of a woman president.

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Voting for an unqualified candidate just because of the letter after their name is bad. We don't do that.

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I didn’t imply these women are victims. I see that they are subject to the standard misogyny that is readily accepted by our society, and that when they are overqualified and prepared, people then focus on superficial traits to detract them. Once the media pushes a “feeling” about a woman, it’s difficult to circumvent or overcome it, because of the casual misogyny. This applies to all women and isn’t limited to politicians. However, being viewed as toxic to PR is still enough to sideline someone.

Hillary, no matter your opinion regarding her politics or character, was overqualified for the position of POTUS. And, the misogynistic media vitriol quickly applied the “too shrill, too opinionated, wrong temperament, is the nation ready for a female President, blah blah blah, deep state deep state, why did she stay with her husband after his infidelity, blah blah blah, low stamina nasty woman” narrative. Nothing about her actual qualifications.

I agree that Bernie was also treated unfairly. I still see people spewing vitriol about him now. But he wasn’t subject to misogyny and double standards in the same way. I don’t appreciate your misogyny either. I’m perfectly capable of distinguishing the difference between blind support and critically thought out support. Hillary wasn’t my first choice. But I’m not going to dismiss her qualifications as being a thing of value. Not everything sounds like vitriol to me, just because it’s lobbed at Hillary or any woman.

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Mayor Pete is assume

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I’m not sure what you hoped to accomplish with this trolling. I’m not feeling very reduced by your fixation with anyone who dares find positive aspects of Hillary Clinton. I’m also not blind to your effort to make it all about that instead of any substantive discussion regarding the original topic. It took you two days to respond and this is your contribution? This is what I’m supposed to believe is your good-faith participation in a conversation? I’m not sure if you can do better, but you might at least give it a shot. At least do better trolling? I bothered to respond, because I’m not afraid of different views, but I’m bored of this tactic that wastes my time just to drag out the inevitable trolling at the end. Do better.

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No, I think it's a way of saying "unqualified".

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Nah. I’ll just block you. There are more than enough energy-sucking trolls, with infinitely less stale talking points to bother listening to. Upgrade your shtick and maybe try again later? I’m sure you must have other profiles to use.

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You are on fire tonight.

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Rhodes scholar, served a 7 month tour in Afghanistan, brave enough to come out while running for office. Talk show hosts are not going to rattle this guy.

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Ta, Stephen. Very well said.

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5. disenfranchise large quantities of voters according to their worth race6. behave like a toddler who is overdosed on sugar, skipped nap time and has worms whenever you don't get what you want

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I believe Chao handed out her share of goodies. She was just more low key about it because they were so obviously giveaways to red-states-only, KY, and donor interests.

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So long as it gets Democrats elected, who gives a fuck?

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And I think he speaks more languages than Melania.

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He looks like Alfred E. Neuman and never raises his voice, so he's non-threatening to people expecting to feel threatened.

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Call the Secret Service and ask them😕

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