Y'all can correct me. But as a gay man I think Pete has had ample opportunities to size up "the enemy" and formulate a plan (strategy) to deal with them.

Second, as a member of the Armed Forces he was able to hone that skill.

Me = the ghey. It's just a fact that we have to bob and weave a lot as we navigate the world. Of course, I'm much older than Pete.

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What am I supposed for target practice?

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Pete has been preparing for this, consciously or unconsciously, since middle school.

I am an old ghey veteran. I have been looked on with scorn by choads like Baier my entire fucking life. I'm used to it. If for some reason I were to ever go on Faux Newds, I wouldn't be even a little bit surprised by this sort of blatant homophobic questioning. I would fully expect it.

Mayor Secretary Pete is better at this than I am, obvs. But this sort of think can't have been a surprise. He's probably spent years practicing/crafting perfect comebacks for this kind of bullshit. He's got it down to an art.

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"Understood" is not any kind of answer to the question Pete asked him. Why, indeed, should Pete get the third degree over something that goes unquestioned when it's a conventional spouse along for the ride?

I guess Brett realized, in that moment, that he had outed himself as a bigot and a fool, and had the presence of mind to cry "Uncle!" before things went from bad to worse.

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Damn, I wish Pete was running in 2024.

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Remember when Steve Mnuchin used a military plane at a cost of $33,000 to allegedly go to a luncheon and look at some gold bars coincidentally on the same day as an eclipse that couldn't be seen from his home. Remember how Fox howled about that?

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"Kevin McCarthy was suffering his 486th humiliation of the week". I see what you did there. I still remember having a 486, then a Pentium...

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Back when Mayor Pete was a primary candidate I said he'd be a good president someday but he just needed some federal experience on his resume first. So I guess Boot Edge Edge 2028?

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What, did your whole family get tired of your shit and leave you? Did your therapist quit in disgust? Are you home on suspension after yet another workplace altercation? Even your must have dentist thrown up his hands and refused to treat your rage-fueled bruxism. Poor little troll.

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You don't even have any new material. Such a loser.

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I was for Pete from the start but the wise Black women of SC convinced me that this was Joe's time.

They were absolutely right in that moment.

But yes - Pete in '28.

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Brett Baier has been a victim before. Early in Buttigieg's position as SOT, Brett had him on to talk about a meeting he was going to conduct with car manufacturers about emissions. This was before Elonald had become a cult figure for them and they still hated him and his cars that didn't use gasoline because they're so gay. So, Brett had prepared a real gotcha for both Pete and Elonald. Something like "So, is the reason you haven't invited Elon Musk because he isn't unionized?" Pete: "He's not invited because his car has no emissions."

Drop mic.

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It's like he was almost proud of it or something.

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How do you fire an unpaid intern. Isn't about the best you can do is dismiss them?

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"least offensive" for the lol

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