<i>Barack Obama blazed like Luke Skywalker in 2008, but he never learned to channel the Force. And now the Tea Party has <strike>run </strike>waddled off with his light saber.</i>


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also, this is what we're worrying about today?

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OK, so there are two Steve Kings: One writes horror, the other is a horror.

And two Peter Kings: Both of them spout nonsensical opinions when stuck in front of a television camera. If you get the sense the guy's not merely an idiot, but an actual ball of hateful shit, it's probably the GOPtard politician.

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I think I'll file this under "Who the fuck cares?"

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Is this an either/or proposition? MoDo writes fiction or movies out of Hollywood in the "based on a true story" genre is spot on and based on eyes-only classified materials. I can't quite wrap my head around it.

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Was Bush ever compared to any movie characters? I mean, besides Forrest Gump?

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I was thinking Denzel.

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Does Peter King really think this is the first time the Department of Defense has worked closely with a movie or tv studio to make sure the US Military looks great on the screen?

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Really! I'm not sure who told her a sentence is the same as a paragraph, but her work is unreadable.

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This item scares me.

I remember what happened when George Bush read the New York Times articles written by Judith Miller.

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You're on wonkette and girls talk to you!?! Tell us your secret oh Great One.

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King proves again that Staten Island is NYC's very own Mississippi.

He'd be investigating the disappearance of Obama's top secret light sabre, if anyone other than the teabaggers had swiped it.

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