"Sentence first, verdict afterwards!" Red Queen, Alice in Wonderland.

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A guy makes a couple of disparaging remarks about Trump and gets his ass fired, because Trump DOES NOT TOLERATE people who don't say "great things" about him.

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Putin ordered the firing.

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then again stretching it out a bit for maximum embarrassment is something I can get behind

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way too long, I want that fucking asshole locked up quickly

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Hey Freedom Caucus Crazies remember : Firing James Comey is what lead to the appointment of Robert Mueller and all those guilty pleas<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/RSO..." width="480" height="360" frameborder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>


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Firing someone for testifying before Congress is a crime. FBI, heal thyself.

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The Jewish Illuminati Masons? Damn. I always forget that one. Like Brad Dexter as Harry Luck in the original MAGNIFICENT SEVEN. I'm like, "Wait, that's only six, who was the seventh guy?"

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Great Uncle Joseph Stalin

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How dare he speak against the wannabe king! Off with his head!

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His firing may have violated the Douglas Factors from the court case: Douglas vs. Veterans Administration, 5 M.S.P.R. 280 (1981):

1 The nature and seriousness of the offense, relation to employee’s duties, and intent2 Job level and type of employment3 Past disciplinary record4 Past work record5 Ability to perform, and supervisory confidence6 Consistency of the penalty with other cases7 Consistency of the penalty with agency’s table of penalties and offenses8 Notoriety of the offense9 Notice to employee10 Potential for rehabilitation11 Mitigating circumstances12 Adequacy and effectiveness of alternative sanctions

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I'm assuming here the agent is highly trained in this kind of under-covers work.

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Yes it was stupid and unprofessional behavior, I think everyone agrees on that.

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He's the dartboard-du-jour. Just ask Hillary.

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They're writing The Book* as they go along. Just like Trump.

* there is no book.

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When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.

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