I had an angry on the way home from work tonight. I was listening to NPR talking about the new procedures. They interviewed some travelers and they were all, "hey, I rather have a picture than be touched." Ok, ok...airport security, I get it to a point, but what the DHS did is buy a bunch of machines that may or may not work while at the same time may or may not (probably) give you some kind of radioactive hoodoo. At the same time, if there was ANYONE left who didn't want to get dosed, they came up with these new Pedobear pat down techniques. Really? You can't tell if I have a gun in my asscheeks with the outside of your fingers? Mr. and Mrs. Ovis Aries, you have been duped.

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San Diego airport is offensive just by the very fact that it exists. It doesn't need any help from TSA to piss me off.

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And what is this "dignity" whose loss is being lamented? That ship left harbor a long time ago.

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Kilts! why didn't I think of that? <a href="http://www.rawstory.com/rs/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/11/blog-wear-kilt...">http://www.rawstory.com/rs/...

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"Petulant libertarian" (while very funny!) is as redundant as "obnoxious T-Bagger" or "clueless Kruger (c)."

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The fuckin' TSA is fuckin' gay as hell. -SkoalRebel

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What would happen if SkoalBandit accidentally wandered into this super-secure part of the airport? How would they collect on the fine? How would they decide who had to watch the video/do the pat down? Also, who are these people with who Ken Layne would not have sex?

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I've learned a lot of things from Wonkette, not the least of which is "Beware the hidden camera phone".

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Agreed...I was sympathetic to the dude until I saw his name was "Johnny Edge".


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All I want to know is why Johnny Edge is always the guy ahead of me in the line at the airport.

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This is a job for Johnny Quest

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