all in good time...

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both of them...

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headroom for unskewing...

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wouldn't matter. the MFM would just spend a week or so furiously navel gazing, then continue doing exactly the same BS as they always do...

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Self driving Hoverrounds- problem solved...

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What happens if Shelly and the Pope get into an argument?

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Not true ... there's some Republicans in the table.

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I read that as "reanimate Romney in 2016", and it still made sense.

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Drink lots and lots of bourbon. It's the closest thing we have to brain bleach.

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No wonder they keep getting run over.

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That's why they're busily trying to write humanism, the Enlightenment, and the founders who believed in them, right out of their history books. Jefferson will be a filthy commie atheist (or maybe a muslin sleeper agent) by the time they're satisfied with their nutty revisionsist version of U.S. history.

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It's been downhill for the GOP ever since they took brain-damaging lead out of paint and gasoline -- but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

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No need ... Faux and NewsMax provide polls every day on their web sites -- where the participants can find out that 90% of everybody else agrees with them. This goes a long way toward explaining the dumbfounded looks on teabagger faces come election night, where the "poll" is a wee bit more inclusive.

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Any poll of Faux News victims just has to be a super-reliable indicator of public opinion. (Numbers above 100% provide a useful buffer against intrusions of reality.)

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Matures as in grows mold and stinks? Good for cheese, not so good for political parties. By this measure, the GOP is already well-aged.

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Obviously the poll was conducted with Republicans not Conservatives. No wonder it looks so bad.

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