None of this would be happening if he didn't buy that Wu-Tang album for 2 mil. Things cursed. Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothin to fuck with.

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Actually, nobody deserves to raped or manipulated by gangs in our prisons, but I get your point.

Seriously, rape is never ok.

I hope he loses all his money, though. ;)

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Single payer. It's time. Health care is not efficient in our current system.

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Yeah. Save it for someone more deserving of sympathy.

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Unfortunately, he had no trouble being released on bail.

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He jacked up the cost by" 5,000 percent overnight. Pills that cost $13.50 one day cost $750 the next" - To borrow the Seinfeld line : Hey Shkreli, " the jerk store called, they're running out of you". No one should feel for this guy, not even his parents.

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If not his bitch.

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"Being someone's bitch" doesn't equate with prison rape. I mean, it certainly can be used in that sense, but that is not the phrase's only meaning. It is much more commonly used as a metaphor to describe someone who has been decisively defeated or overwhelmed by a superior force.

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Yeah. I just want him to be broke. I think he would very bitter when he discovered how few friends he really has.

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Can't argue with you there.

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But of course nobody else would ever do business with him because the invisible hand of the market....

Ha, ha, ha, of course they will. Look at all the fresh sheep who have been sheered by Trump.

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I think you mean "Free-Market Capitalist Hero" Martin Shkreli. So iconoclast, much Galt. Wow.

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When he's been Bubba's bitch in the pokey he might be needing the drug he jacked the price up on. He's always got that rare vinyl to sell for it.

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I dunno. This Sacrificial Lamb taste a bit gamey to me. (Maybe I need more gravy or something.)

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"Be broke"? What part of "job creatos" do you NOT understand, people? ("The part where thier avarice and exploitation are supposedly creating jobs", you say? Well...I don't really understand that either.)

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AlkaSelzter Karma: The Fast-Acting Karma™

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