Smart people don't feel the need to remind others constantly of their own intelligence. If you have to constantly insist that you're a moderate, you might want to look at your opinions and consider why people would think otherwise.

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It chokes out the life of other plants, damn shame it can't do the same to people.

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Can you tell me what need discriminating against the LGBT community fulfills and is superseded by their drive for equal rights? How is wanting to be treated the SAME way everyone else is putting their needs above the needs of others? The reality is, that all those people demanding that they be allowed to discriminate are the ones putting their needs above the needs of others. They care more about their delicate feelings than equality. The facts prove that Transgendered people do NOT commit sexually based crimes in public restrooms and that they are regularly subjected to extreme violence by the very same people that pretend that this law is necessary. That's okay though, with every year that passes those who believe in equality become more plentiful. One day you and yours will become extinct and the world will be a far better place.

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you should read before you post.

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". . .This is America, where common sense still prevails.”

Oooh, my head hurts now . . .

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Translation: dumb lazy kids get off my old white guy lawn and stop telling me it's wrong to hate queers waaaaa how dare you be intolerant of my intolerance.

Do you know how transparent you are? Minorities can't have equal rights because it infringes on other people's rights to... what, hate them and treat them like second class citizens? Is that what you're arguing? Because that's a shitty stance to take, dude.

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The "common sense" of Governor Bryant is the "common sense" that tells you the Earth is flat.

Fuck you, Bryant. And all of your loathsome retrogressive kind.

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"Moderate Dave". Epic fail in nym choice.

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I have to ask - WHY are these assholes letting their daughters attend high school and (gasp) Universities??????11!!!???? Haven't the Duggars taught us ANYTHING about a woman's place in the home? If you are SOOOOO ascared of the (insert derogatory term here, I can't bring myself to do it...) then shouldn't your daughters be in the kitchen with Mammy a'larnin how to please her man?

(Protip: This is sarcasm mixed with frustration. Please direct all angry replies to the Mississippi State Government.)

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We've seen the same arguments used in the late 40's in opposition to a racially integrated military trotted out in the 90's in opposition to gays in the military, almost word for word.

The spots on bigots do not change.

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The knee-jerk reaction to these numbnuts is to wish they'd just seceded and be done with them. They would have missed out on the Rural Electrification Act and the Federal Highway System, and we'd have a Third World hellhole on our southern border that no wall, no matter how high, could protect us from.

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Elviously has entered the building!

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That guy from Tarsus? He had some issues, man.

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“I think the rest of the nation is beginning to wake up and say, ‘What world do they think we’re living in? This is not Hollywood, this is not more liberal areas, this is America, where common sense still prevails."

Actually, I woke up this morning here in the San Francisco Bay Area and said "This is more liberal areas [sic]".

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Oh, is that what he was saying? I thought he was saying the people waking up weren't in the more liberal areas, which came as a surprise to me here in the SF area.

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"Of course I'm right! Nobody around me thinks I'm wrong!"

News flash, Phil: Your barber and tailor do.

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