He is not overweight; he is undertall.

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And this is why Antifa set fire to the AFL-CIO building

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very, very guilty

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But TBD they'd pass a stupid test with flying colors.

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They give out medals and awards to each other like candy.

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I expect that in 1930s Berlin he'd have been right at home and soon found congenial employment.

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I just looked that up. HORRIBLE!


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noble prizes! for everyone!

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His partner on the force, Charlie Cheese-steak, could not be reached for comment.

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How on earth is that guy deemed physically fit enough to be a professional police officer? He should be less afraid of kids and more afraid of hamburgers. That's what's gonna kill hi

I am beginning to think that all the high school bullies go on to a career in policing after they graduate. If they graduate.

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It was MORE than a block - 65 homes were destroyed, 64 of which had nothing to do with the MOVE group. They bloody BOMBED a rowhouse!

"Although firefighters had earlier drenched the building prior to the bombing, after the fire broke out, [police] officials said they feared that MOVE would shoot at the firefighters, so held them back. ...Wikipedia

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I live in Central NY state, and I could show you a plce where there used to be a symbol painted on the side of a garage that indicated where a KKK meeting place used to be. And also a house where they used to have a Confederate flag on their front porch.

And if you haven't figured it out, it's worse in Western NY - where Buffalo is.

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In Trump's case. It's all about the Jacksons.

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As the daughter of a retired police officer, let me say...

...fuck these guys. And let them rot in jail.

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