You know who <i>else</i> thanked the Almighty Creator -- oh, wait....

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Giant cats, my ass. I have two 3-month old kittens and I do there every bidding.

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So they claim the concept of separation of church and state doesn't exist because those exact words are not the First Amendment but a letter by Jefferson, whereas the words "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office" <b>are literally written</b> in the actual document, and they act like it doesn't count because they found a quote by Adams that they think contradicts it?

Then their logic jumps ahead in time to the 1950s, to justify their case further, again without any internal consistency in their logic: <i>"<b>In 1956</b>, Congress passed and President Eisenhower approved the law establishing 'In God We Trust' as the official national motto of the United States," the letter reads. "[Y]ou mentioned being unified under one flag. The Pledge of Allegiance to our flag says that we are 'one nation under God.'" In neglecting to use the word "God," they say Obama is "<b>casting aside an integral part of American society</b>."</i>

"Integral." But only since 1956, a full 180 years after the nation's founding.

<a href="http:\/\/www.geocities.com\/denniverse\/MAX\/bushprayverse.jpg" target="_blank">Also.</a>

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Fundamentalism is fundamentalism.

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I'm a clinical psychologist. Maybe I can help.

These people are fixated on the "oral" and "anal" stages. Freud termed them "big-mouthed assholes," while Adler refers to "diarrhea of the mouth." Object relations theorists talk about "analingus" as their typical mode of interaction. Cognitive behavioral authorities argue that these people "have their heads up their asses."

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I would like a serving of mixed metaphor, please, with hyperbole on the side.

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that's not an intern. that's bristol. she just got to the metaphor lesson.

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Look at the artistry of the slam: He doesn't say god or creator "enough". How much would be enough? I suspect the answer is infinity + 10.

Rush doesn't say "No thanks, I don't do drugs" <i>enough</i>. Palin doesn't say "I'm don't care about money" <i>enough</i>. Beck doesn't say "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about" <i>enough</i>. Bachmann doesn't say "I swallow" <i>enough</i>.

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