If if were the face of the Virgin Mary or Jeebus I might believe it. A map is no miracle.

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I swear, I didn't blab!

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Photoshop Tours de Force.

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I believe the reasoning is shut up that's why.

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I believe he is taking Kid Zoom on a tour of <strike>party schools</strike> institutions of rhetorical learning.

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It created teabaggers in Its own image. That give you a hint?

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Kill the heathens?

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And he was just serenading them.

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GIMP libel.

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Andrei Oprinca is pretty good. I want to see some counterpoint from God.

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Now I want to see a shi tzu with a Mercator projection map on one side. And, I don't know, Chtulhu on the other side.

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Is that from the album? Because for at least forty years I've thought that was "thirty-dollar bill".

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Thad Cochran home videos.

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strike, not stroke.

"Though they can see the complexities of nature all around them, they say that everything was the result of <strike>mindless,</strike> natural processes."

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This is exactly the position taken by my 10th grade biology teacher nearly 40 years ago. He simply told us one day that as a scientist he knew that evolution was a fact and that as a Christian he found nothing in science to contradict his faith. I don't know how many kids he freed from having to choose but I know I am one, and that his common sense helped set me on the road to being the rabid liberal that I am today. Rest in Peace, Mr. Walker.

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