<i>Some people will have, Some simply will not, But they'll complain and complain and complain and complain and complain.

Some people will work, Some never will, But they'll complain and complain and complain and complain and complain.</i>

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to be fair, i actually DO want a new vacuum cleaner.

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phyllis schlafly makes sarah palin look relevant.

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Why would women want to settle for equality? What exactly do they get in return for such a step down?

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She wouldn't fit in...the military has too many smart bombs.

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Forty of those forty-five minute was spent taking off enough battle rattle that you could get down to it.

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"I am totally surprised Phyllis Schlafly would say that," said no one.

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Schlafly: <i>"Military women are already </i>complaining <i>about increased sexual assaults..." </i>

It's not that women are being <i>subjected</i> to increased sexual assaults, it's that they're complaining about it.

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I work from home. Except I stopped for a few minutes to watch the video. When I was done watching the video I went back to working from home.

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It was -- typically Heinlein -- about how great the Nazis will be if (when!) we go to war with insects from outer space.

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