I'm grateful to Phyllis Schlafly. If not for her, the fine old English word "hag" would be fast disappearing from our dictionaries.

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Having looked, I hate you forever for posting that link.

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Shut up, bitch.

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<i>"I feel personally insulted by what Justice Kennedy said."</i>

Hey this is a fun game!

"Despite losing the popular vote and Florida's obstructing recounts, George W. Bush is appointed president." I feel personally insulted by what Justices Rhenquist, Scalia, Thomas, et al said.

"Corporations can influence elections with their money." I feel personally insulted by what Justices Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, et al said.

"Congress can't repeal the Voting Rights Act so I will." I feel personally insulted by what Justice Scalia said.

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If The Foo shits - wear it!

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She should go back to baking cookies for KKK rallies or whatever she does when she's not meddling in other people's lives.

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If Justice Kennedy can describe Phyllis' policy towards gays in one succinct sentence, there will be no need for Phyllis to go on radio, TV or speaking tours, to waffle on at length about that policy.

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My marriage is damaged by the existence of gay marriage. Whereas the two previous ones, which occurred in the happy time before the "Supreme" Court "legalized" "gay" "marriage," were not damaged. They ended for other reasons that are none of the Supreme Court's business.

Whereas what two men or two women do in private is <i>definitely</i> something the Court should be thinking about, considering the merits of, and laying down exact laws as to how and when it should occur.

I hope this makes everything clear. Marriage is between a man and a woman for the purpose of having children even if, like John Kerry and the ketchup heiress, you can't have any, which didn't stop him from opposing gay marriage in 2004, although he seems to have made some progress since then. See Phllyllis? People can evolve!

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