So sad for Republicans that Covid produced a new generation of workers who “just say no” to wages under $15/hr, after Republicans thought they made it very clear that even that meager sum was too good for them, and they should continue to toil for under $8/hr. So much for their love of the free market. It’s clear now that unless you are willing to pay $14-15 an hour, people will go elsewhere. So fuck Sinema and her petty, shameful display of contempt for working people. Although to her credit she did try to help them by selling her stinky shoes for hundreds per pair. No need for clown shoes if you can’t host your own fashion shows on the floors of Congress.

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Good riddance!

What an asshole!

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Gracie-palooza continues- Grace comments on the withdrawals of Nikki Haley and What's-his-name.


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Fuck Kyrsten Sinema.

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KS is a tool of the oligarchs. She proved it when she killed raising the minimum wage. She did NOT serve Arizona; she served herself. FOADIAF, Kyrsten.

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She's a petty little bitch. As an AZ resident and voter, I am delighted to have her GONE.

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She demanded attention time and again, and she could get it on demand in copious amounts, because she was one of 50 "little presidents." In fact, it was so easy for her to get this attention that she came to think it was something she merited for her brains and integrity and great statesmanship and all-around wonderfulness.

She's going to be shocked at how quickly and thoroughly practically everyone she encounters will make it clear that they no longer have any use for her.

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I'm sure the Kochs will give her a decent paying, no show, job at one of their think tanks, She's also got $10.6 million dollars that she raised for her re-election that she will not spend on getting re-elected. My guess is that a lot of that money will go towards funding her extravagant, quirky, costume changes.

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$10.6M doesn't go as far as it used to.

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Fuck allllllll the way off, Kyrsten. I even hate the presumptuous way you spell your name. Sinema is my "look at that bitch eating crackers" gal.

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buh bye, Hot Topic!

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Sister Kyrsten had a revelation. She came to understand that the only real bipartisanship needed was between Republican billionaires and Democratic billionaires. No one else matters, and certainly can't be adequately monetized by a poor working Senator just trying to make her way in this world. Why can't people understand that she has needs too???

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Kyrsten thinks that fairness means giving the 1% as much consideration as you give the 99%. Maybe even more.

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I'm just a guy, and I spend my life in jeans and t-shirts because it's easy and comfortable, but that outfit looks pretty fucking hideous to me.

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Sinema: I-Arizona

Arizona: no, you're not.

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Harry and Bess Truman codified the only truisms about Washington that were true from the beginning and are still true. These are:

1. If you want a friend in Washington get a dog

2. If elected to the Senate, at first you'll wonder how you got there. That will pass. Then, you'll wonder how the rest of them got there. You won't shake that one.

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I spent a lot of the time Kyrsten Sinema was in the news thinking “WHY IS SHE LIKE THIS?!” I think I may have found an explanation. Apparently she just loved the lavish lifestyle that cozying up to rich people afforded her during her time in the Senate. She spent a lot of money on travel in private jets and trips to spas and four star hotels for herself. I guess now she’ll have to marry rich so she can keep it going.

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She’ll land in a cushy job for some hedge fund board.

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