damn that's fascinating.

i always wondered what the hell the o'bama / joker image was supposed to represent. it doesn't make any sense whatsoever - and baggers don't typically use (relatively) current hollywood references.


joker / dr. who 2012!

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no, no that's not really what i meant but as others have explained our mission here far more eloquently than i ever could (and i suspect it's something of a lost cause), i will keep my powder dry and fix a mimosa instead.


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No one understands "p" rating, so today we are all Constitutions.

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Does your wife know you're on the computer again?

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Someone in IN should write that up on bumpersticker paper and plant it on the window.

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You know what slays me about the faux pats? They are aligned with the same group that is all, "god's will this and god's will that". When something good happens (a neighbor's kids is killed in a car accident where their son walked away, for example), it's a miracle...it's GOD'S WILL. But if something they don't like happens, it all Satan's fault. Why do they conveniently forget that the Devil is also God's Will?

Fuck them all.

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Satirists in Satan's Service

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It's easy: 1) Obama was on television with Oprah 2) Oprah was in "The Color Purple" with Whoopi Goldberg 3) Whoopi was in "Soapdish" with Kevin Kline 4) Kevin was in "Sophie's Choice" with Meryl Streep 5) Meryl was in "Heartburn" with Jack Nicholson 6) Jack was in "A Few Good Men" with Kevin Bacon

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I thought you're supposed to thank Satan by giving him your <strong>soul</strong>. If I'd known a window sticker was good enough ... well, let's just say my life would have taken a different course.

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His sign says the Constitution died this year. And truck window signs DO NOT LIE. So who or what is that constitution I see still being followed? OMG! OMG! OMG! It must be <i>Zombie Constitution!</i>

Everybody stay calm.

TP'ers and Beck fans, you have nothing to fear. Like all zombies, Zombie Constitution only wants to eat our brains. Unfortunately this is bad news for wonketteers with their zesty snark-flavored brains.

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It's now the <i>zombie constitution</i>.

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It doesn't need to masturbate. Once it went black, it never went back.

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Silly Blue...Bush was white. We had to at least respect the office since the president was white, also. Also, also - the current president is a blackamoor. He has, by his very existence sullied the prestige of the office. I wouldn't be surprised if they have to build a whole new white house for the next white president...or at least fumigate.

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Have to say I admire your two -110 point posts on beitbart.tv this week, bravo!

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Is it a tranny truck?

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Wait, so we have to be apologists for Obama here?

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