Hmm... it still works for me... but it's a Facebook video embedded on a news channel's page, so that may be causing problems somehow. It's definitely still up on their page, about five posts down now: https://www.facebook.com/kx...

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there are members from about 60 tribes at the protest. I'm pretty sure none of the tribes from TX are represented as there are protests in Eagle Pass (against the Dos Republicas coal mine) and West Texas (mostly in Presidio against the Trans Pecos Pipeline) going on. in a twist of stupidity, some of the freedumb militia members are on the anti-Trans Pecos side, though they aren't showing up to protest with the tribes or their supporters. the freedumb militia members take issue with all pipelines in a 100 mile proximity to the border as they believe they have seen coyotes escorting ILLEGAL ALIENS along the pipelines. this goes for water pipelines, also too.

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I was going to mention I'd watched Harlan County, USA for the first time yesterday, but didn't really find a place to fit it. Though in that story, it's the dirty energy extraction company beating up on its own disposable workforce. And finally shooting one miner to death, as opposed to killing them with black lung and unsafe working conditions.

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So we're pulling this stuff out of the ground why again?

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Brilliant Candidate Jill Stein is going to be brought up on charges for her on video defacing of a bulldozer. What an idiot she is: http://bismarcktribune.com/...

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Loki also likes pretty much any tomato sauce....be it home-made, store bought, whatever she's on it....but the thing that drives her nuts....is her CRACK...is fried chicken.

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This should be front page news in every paper in America. Fuck this country sometimes.

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Damn straight

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Certainly in "those" suburbs ....

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LLCs are people, too, you heartless bastards!

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Maybe not on command, but a local kitty objected to a curious pit bull getting too close to her people the other week. Kitty won (kitty's people paid the vet bill, very nice of them I thought)

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Sweet sweet money!

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Highly recommend.

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