The conflict may have been started over sovernty issues but the lines were strictly Catholic/Protistant. The catholic minority was discriminated against in employment and housing operrtunities (on account of being Catholic) and when the NICRA started Civil resistance to those problems (and poll taxes too) Prodestant NI saw it was a front for the Irish Republicans. The whole situation soon degraded in to awful religious violence where houses of worship and children were both fair game just for being the wrong faith. There were no Protestants in the IRA, and I doubt very much many Catholics could have gotten a job with the constabulary, de facto religious war.

Oh yeah you couldn't even rebut my post without trying to slur Prodestants.

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Yeah, that's me, just like ISIS. Listen pal, everyone has muslim friends, everybody here knows the differences between Shia and Sunni...you're not talking to a bunch of toddlers. You come here like a braying douchebag, insult anyone who differs with you, then get all wounded and butthurt at "profanity". Great. Here's another dose: Fuck off and take your hurt feelings with you.

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Does your definition of "successful" include countries that proclaim that their country is 95% of one religion, and who are trying to keep other people out based on religion and are daily demonstrating through intolerant pronouncements of political and faith leaders that other religions are not welcome there? Gee - that sounds like all the braying we've been hearing from our very own religious right wing. And that's not just individuals - 26 state governors (all but one of whom are Republicans - whadda coinky-dink!) saying they will not accept any Syrian refugees unless they are Christians. That's some Tolerance of accepting a plurality of religions and cultures! So you might want to include the good ol' U.S. of A. in the "unsuccessful" pile. By your own criteria, Uzbekistan and Indonesia are more successful at the democratic state biz than we are.

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LOLOLOLOLOL- If you are Irish, I'm a Time Lord from Gallifrey. No one from Ireland (where I have family on Achill Island and in Sligo) would ever have such a profound misunderstanding of Irish history. The fact that the Irish Republic became a de facto Catholic theocracy (until very recently - and only the pedophile and convent laundry scandals made that break possible) demonstrates that you have no fecking clue. And you spelled 'possess' wrong. Begone, troll.

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"We have nothing to fear from mothers and toddlers..", but 18 years from now? By that logic, I guess we should either forbid procreation or put all infants to death, as well as ban any and all immigration. I'm mean, the Irish, right? You never know when one of them is going to grow up to be the next Whitey fucking Bulger.

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It's easier, much, much, easier, to buy a gun in this country than to come to this country as a refugee. Religious extremists ALWAYS put their god before everything else in their lives, including their own children and spouses. They are always very tribal. This is true whether we're talking about Daesh or Evangelical Christians, or Ultra-Orthodox Jews.

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Thanks, good to know. I may throw that at him if it comes up again.

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You don't think TURKEY counts as a successful democratic state? You're either desperately uninformed or just dumb.

As far as your friend's theory goes, human beings put family first (assuming their family isn't dysfunctional and abusive). Not a single (sane) person is going to put religion and state over the well-being of their loved ones. That's not how humans work. If your friend asserts otherwise, then what he is doing is saying that Muslims are inhuman "others" that differ from everyone else.

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Hell, he's reduced to replying to his own comment.

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No. In the last 60 years they have had 5 military coups...that is not a healthy or functioning democracy. ...if you understood history you would not cite such foolishness as an example of a healthy democratic government. While I am warmed to know you speak for all humankind and have the audacity to presume you understand said humanity, I suggest you actually speak to some real live Pakistanis or Afghans and see if your assertion holds up. Hint: it won't

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Well, you are certainly welcome to pitch in anytime...just as you were in 2011, and 2012, and 2013 and....

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Well I don't feel bad, and I will make this point one more time for the socially retarded mamma's basement dwellers. You would "love" to see improvement in conditions for people who are citizens of this country, and have served it? What are you DOING about it? What do you believe our government is DOING about it. Where will the money come from to help these people settle here when we are unwilling to spend it on our own? There is NO WAY you will talk the wingnuts into voting for money to help these people even if we take them in. Because you can't get them to vote for people who are ALREADY here and need and deserve it. Non-sequitur (which I believe is what you were trying to spell)? It follows, Skippy, trust me, it follows!

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If I actually gave a fuck, well then I'd have a fuck to give. On second thought since Great Britian and the British Commonwealth, The Netherlands and all of the Scandanavian countries are also constitutional monarchies, albeit with Muslim minorities, they don't count as well run countries either, right? Do enlighten me as the extent of the Malaysian monarchies interference or involvement in the government, please. I feel the need to be dazzled by an obvious intellectual superior with as much free time on his hands as you seem to have. Or maybe when you're done winning the weekly trivia contest down to the pub, since you're Irish and all.

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Er,yeah, now you arguing with yourself. Because clearly you're the only one S-M-R-T enough to be worth argue with, right?

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Telling you to fuck off is not name calling, it's command, a suggestion for action on your part. See, if he said "fuck off you pompous tit whisker with a mastery of Wikipedia" then that would be name calling.

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