Embarrassing. I'm spending the weekend with visiting Europeans who are bewildered.

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Blue and Orange? Boise Sate libel!

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Admittedly, hockey players are not very brigth, but are obviously smarter than drumpf

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I sincerely hope so. The less control normal people have over him, the clearer his true lunacy shines through...

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Wish I could. Some other time?

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That is so perfect. "What? You think I don't have a calm temperament? I don't have a calm temperament? FUCK YOU I have a calm temperament! Here take THIS "calm temperament"!" (shoots random busboy)

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"The moose comes in second. The moose is furious. He and the Berkowitzes lock antlers in the living room."

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"...was sent to military school for assaulting his music teacher that one time!"

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And REALLY importantly, Bloomberg hugely funds Moms For Gun Sense in America, one of the gun-safety-regulation-advocating groups that is making a very, very real, enormous difference, step by step. As opposed to buying gold chairs and gold toilets.

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Genuinely kind, affectionate stepdad who really cares about you!

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Yep that's Wonkette, right in the pocket of Big Panty-Shot.

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Oh, we think this is bad, but, really, it doesn't hold a candle to the Twitter war between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Who can forget that famous line, "When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another and Hamilton is weak, sad. Pathetic." And, of course, the response, "I never expect to see a perfect work from an imperfect man. Delete your account." The internet of the 18th century was brutal.

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No way! SHATNER!!!


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"We’d call Trump a pussy, except for how pussies are strong, unlike Weak Donald."

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I'm sure that you-all know that many, many photos have been sent over the years to Graydon Carter, who first referred to D.T. as a "short-fingered vulgarian" in SPY magazine. Generally they are annotated, in metallic Sharpie, as to how elegant in fact are said phalanges.

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How long before Pence resigns? Did he have any idea what he was getting into?

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