Exactly, I can just seeing him on the campaign trail saying 'What a lovely group of beautiful white children, why would y'all let that one shiftless darkie boy into your lily-white class?'

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Please. A couple of focus groups will say he's swell, and then the Republicans will go vote for who they always vote for: the white guy.

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The truth is that Republican women and closet-cases (i.e. 75% of the party) crave one thing and one thing only: long, thick, black cock. They want Mandingo to come ravish them, his chocolate skin glistening over taut muscles, powerful buttocks pumping, heavy scrotum swinging and slapping against their quivering, violated (but it feels so good!) white buttocks... Sorry, what was I saying?

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Being "right behind" Chris Christie sounds pretty unpleasant, if not outright dangerous.

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Oh, give us a break. No way is it <i>that</i> complicated.

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Cain doesn't have it wrapped up yet. Listen to "Frank Essary" wrote in the article's comments:<blockquote>We need to listen to Mr.Cain a little more before we give him the presidency. I want to hear more out of him to make sure he UNDERSTANDS things instead of being like the communist Obama and just talks a good game</blockquote>I'm not sure how "listening" will help if Cain only "talks a good game". But the important thing is The Daily Caller readers are ones who can "give him the presidency". I had a totally different idea about how democracy works. So let me be the first to say: I, for one, welcome our Daily Caller overlords.

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How dare he wear a moustache and ask for my vote.

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If the p-ness shrinks, you're not doing it right.

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Ginnie's on board though

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I really hope the world doesn't end this weekend. I'm really going to enjoy watching the teapartiers heads explode from having to choose between two browns.

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Look for a cheesy campaign to come.

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