Comfortable with paedophilia that IS being done in churches, but outraged over paedophilia that is NOT being done in pizzeria basements which don't even exist. Would that they'd google the list of sexual offenses committed by prominent Republicans in the real world. After that they might try to perceive how completely untrustworthy a sack of human garbage Alex Jones is. Okay, I'm dreaming. I know.
We should definitely ban productions of Julius Caesar. (Which clearly does not just encourage assassinating presidents, but also suicide.) Then ban Othello, which incites black guys to marry white women and murder them. Twelfth Night and a couple of others are sympathetic to cross-dressers! We should then ban Romeo and Juliet, since it inspires people who see it to brawl in the streets and disrespect the law. And what about that exchange between old Capulet ("She hath not seen the change of fourteen years") and creepy Count Paris ("Younger than she are happy mothers made")? Blatant approval of paedophilia. Cripes we should just ban all of them, all Shakespeare's corrupt and corrupting plays! Look at Henry V, and how it idealizes war and foreign conquest and depicts the French as stupid, conceited braggarts who fold like concertinas in a fight ... well, on second thought, wingnuts would love that and want to keep it, bad example. But in general we've tolerated Shakespeare too long!
This may also explain the alleged liberal bias of universities, especially the Humanities, which tend to attract people motivated by something other than power or profit (warning: self-serving comment by Humanities Professor).
I heard he's totally kinky and puts Goebbels up his butt
they get their theater recommends from johnny ola
Comfortable with paedophilia that IS being done in churches, but outraged over paedophilia that is NOT being done in pizzeria basements which don't even exist. Would that they'd google the list of sexual offenses committed by prominent Republicans in the real world. After that they might try to perceive how completely untrustworthy a sack of human garbage Alex Jones is. Okay, I'm dreaming. I know.
The cigar is the smartest thing in that picture.
It might possibly have been the end of a lifetime too.
If they had actually gone to college they would know in Shakespeare's plays the killing to seize power thing never works out for the killers.
Well now that you mention it, Melania could be in Titania's Predicament.
"A peewhore, a peewhore, my kingdom for a peewhore."
My college kid wants a Sputnik poster for her dorm room. I'm seeing a pattern amoung the youngs emerging.
Nixon was actually smart. So was Caesar. Trump? Lol. Nope.
This is a total history nerd-out and I love it.
I am looking at you Blue Hair Matinees!!!!!!
We should definitely ban productions of Julius Caesar. (Which clearly does not just encourage assassinating presidents, but also suicide.) Then ban Othello, which incites black guys to marry white women and murder them. Twelfth Night and a couple of others are sympathetic to cross-dressers! We should then ban Romeo and Juliet, since it inspires people who see it to brawl in the streets and disrespect the law. And what about that exchange between old Capulet ("She hath not seen the change of fourteen years") and creepy Count Paris ("Younger than she are happy mothers made")? Blatant approval of paedophilia. Cripes we should just ban all of them, all Shakespeare's corrupt and corrupting plays! Look at Henry V, and how it idealizes war and foreign conquest and depicts the French as stupid, conceited braggarts who fold like concertinas in a fight ... well, on second thought, wingnuts would love that and want to keep it, bad example. But in general we've tolerated Shakespeare too long!
This may also explain the alleged liberal bias of universities, especially the Humanities, which tend to attract people motivated by something other than power or profit (warning: self-serving comment by Humanities Professor).