Assumes facts not in evidence

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Did he mean gorilla mindset or guerrilla mindset? Or does he even know the difference?

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How did Trump's election manage to bring every single asshole out of the woodwork.

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Well, cause, there really isn't much of it? They did cover that car burning a whole lot though, for weeks!It isn't like they shot up a mosque full of praying people, like the Trump supporter in Canada.Or shot a good Samaritan trying to break up a fight, started by and shot by that Trump supporting couple in Oregon.Or Knife a buncha people like that Trump supporter in Kentucky.Or even stomp a homeless man, like those Trump supporters in Massachusetts.So weird- Maybe someone should ask Trump to disavow the violence of his supporters! Oh wait, his supporters are blaming him- and even suing him in court- for making them do violence.So there is that!

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More like instilling propaganda. Know who else pulled stunts like this with the press?Give you a hint...begins with H and ends in a bunker.

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The group of people to whom he posed this question are all members of the White House press pool. They have one job: cover what the current administration are up to / plan to do, and since The Donald and his peeps all happen to be Republicans, these particular reporters don't get to ask Democrats any questions.

If you're wondering, "why doesn't the mainstream media ask Democrats (his question)?" I would venture to guess it's because there's not much evidence of violence at anti-trump gatherings. When I googled it, even the far-right media coverage on the subject lacks specific examples; they do link to videos where the "fa's" (? what is a fa and why are people anti-it? i digress ...) behave badly and so do the antifa's. Mostly yelling at and / or pushing each other.

For the record, I'm an independent but align w/ more Dem views than any other party and I denounce violence against anyone.

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Now THAT is some hardcore lunacy right there.

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The Rebs have their new Presidential candidate for 2024.

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If the gorillas at my zoo are any indication, the "mindset" involves eating things out of one's own poop and masturbating vigorously in front of the assembled spectators.

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Triumph would KILL!

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That's right, fake it 'till ya make it~!

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I laughed out loud, well played.

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So many pouty man children out there these days. Can David Brooks write an insightful book about that, please?

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When someone asks Drumpf to disavow his brownshirts this will have more heft.

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(? what is a fa and why are people anti-it? i digress ...)On the off chance that this is an actual question you have, and not some sort of snark, "antifa" is short for "anti-fascists" which would make "fa's" "fascists". (Although technically I suppose that should be "fas", but I put it the way you indicated they put it.)

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