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to be fair, that's what most candidates like McCaskill and O'Rourke and Sinema are doing. They're casting themselves as bipartisan. What's annoying is that some of the Republicans like Blackburn and McSally are basically announcing they're loyalism to Trump beyond the rule of law.

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Trump has had 36 of these bundist rallies compared to 14 for Obama two weeks before the first midterm, and Trump's rally pace will increase from this point to one or two daily.

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Somehow, I still prefer the original Gary Busey to this wannabe.

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Nobody is taking away your racist abortions.

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Dang that’s messed up, but seems to be coming true, so many professed “proud Americans” have no true pride because their sense of pride is exclusionary https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Agree, my message: this “mob” is gonna vote! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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God bless, I wish I heard more stories like this, the future seems horrifying and most people can’t see it coming https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I thought Don Rickles died.

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It's a cookbook 😱😱😱

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I have often posed the question of what would happen if the MSN just stopped covering him at all.

Of course, such maladaptive behaviors generally escalate before they decline, and trump might really act out, (read, bomb something), before he takes his marbles and goes home.

We should ignore him and keep ignoring him. With votes.

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It is easier to be angry and outraged than it is to be thoughtful and considerate. There is no thinking involved in being angry, one simply gives in to it. These people come to see trump so that they can feel that anger coursing through their bodies. They don't even really know WHY they are angry, so they let someone else fill in those blanks.

As long as politicians and political organizations are allowed to blatantly lie, this will continue. I've stopped watching television because the ads are making me sick.

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I've been out canvasing door to door for Democrats in New Mexico and we need to start ignoring Trump. Crazy as that sounds what I'm hearing from people is that politics is so toxic they simply can't think about or talk about it anymore, and that this midterm vote wont get rid of Trump anyway so why bother. In the view of many people, getting spun up about politics negatively impacts their daily lives and they don't think it will help anyway.

So then there I am trying to convince people that getting involved is worth being unhappy. I think it is, but it is a hard sell. This makes me very uncomfortable 16 day out...it seems like this is Trump's strategy and I'm afraid it might be working.

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When I was a child in the 1970's & 80's I lived with by my grandmother in Italy, she was born in 1901 & had gone through 2 World Wars. When I used to ask her how Mussolini came to power or Hitler she would always reply: "Because people are stupid".

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Yep, sounding himself with the best assholes ever! What he can't seem to get past is how stupid he looks with that FAKE hair job. Hew always wants people to pull on that shit from the front of his head, never from the sides or back.

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