China are still communists...

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You (and I, presumably) got out in time.

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Yeah that was a total steamrolling set up. Can’t help the poor folks though.

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I'm glad I've gone through menopause and no longer have to be concerned about getting pregnant. But, as you know, I care about people other than myself. I want all of them to have healthcare, including access to safe, legal abortions should the need arise.

That said, I really didn't think that Rain Without Thunder was prophecy. Sigh.

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This is true. But at least it was honest murder and not disguised as 'for their own good.'

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This. Also too, if someone's business card has that little fish symbol on it, you can take that as a virtual guarantee that they are going to rip you off. No true Scotsman Christian would try to use their religion as a marketing tool.

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This, this, this, only con men try to fleece you in that manner.

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We specialize in hypocrisy.

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I'm a little perplexed - does patient privacy not cover whatever I talk to my doctor about? And how does the federal government squash First Amendment rights without, you know, violating the law? Finally, if abortion is medically necessary, would that not be a medical decision? Please understand I am only a woman, so explain this all gently because naturally my ladybrain works very slowly.

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So really, all they are accomplishing here is, uh, depriving poor people of birth control, STI tests, mammograms and all the other things that Title X actually does fund,

depriving poor people of as much as possible appears to be the point

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Obligatory The Breakfast Club:

Allison: Have you ever done it with a normal person?Claire: Didn't we already cover this?John: You never answered the question.Claire: Look, I'm not going to discuss my private life with total strangers.Allison: It's kind of a double edged sword, isn't it?Claire: A what?Allison: Well, if you say you haven't, you're a prude. If you say you have, you're a slut. It's a trap. You want to but you can't, and when you do, you wish you didn't, right?

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According to Stormy, you couldn't get gagged by Trump if you tried.

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I'm curious. Has any other nation on Earth been so dedicated to ruining the health of its own citizens?

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The cruelty is the point.

Occams razor tells you that.

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Oh, they'll find a way.

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You have to be brought up indoctrinated Christian. And not just any Christian, Roman Catholic at minimum.

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