You're an inspiration, Robyn 😍😍😍

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I got voicemail, too. I lived through caring for my dad, who after multiple botched surgeries became a double amputee. His surgeon was on a long drunk after the death of his wife. I'll say nothing more.

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This kind of thing happens in bad hospitals all over the USA, and not just in prisons. My 90-yr-old aunt was admitted to the little hospital in Farmington, MO after her son tried to kill her by knocking her down and leaving her to lie unconscious on the floor for an hour, and several of her toes on one foot began to turn blue shortly after she was admitted. Doctors at that little hospital wanted to amputate her foot, but I had Medical POA and I said "Hell no" and had her transferred immediately to a real hospital in St. Louis where real doctors also said "Hell no" and gave her medicine that cleared the problem up right away. I can't remember what the cause was now, but it definitely was NOT something that required amputation.

I think that little hospital in Farmington MO must be owned by a consortium of the local funeral home directors, because it kills a lot of people.

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I only half read a lot of this stuff anyway. But I was tricked. Pretty funny.

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What's this about 'friends on the other side'? Is Donnie tweeting like a spiritualist?

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Literally, nobody disagrees with you.

And literally - nobody fully understood all this until the last 12 months.

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She can't resign yet! She has to read the cranberry relish recipe on NPR before Thanksgiving.

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Sherman didn't quite finish the job, it seems.

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Just tried to call. It doesn't even go to voicemail, just rings fifty times.

Fucking cowards.

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YEP. The *exact same thing* happened to someone I know, and they were on freaking *Lexapro* at the time -- which I think can cause actual brain damage if you go off it unsupervised. That is partially why I'm so upset about this case, honestly. What they went through with all of that is actually the reason I got back into yelling about prison reform all the time.

I am so sorry for your friend, it's such an evil, cruel thing to do to people.

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Understand this: in the wake of what's going on with Facebook right now (the proliferation of hate speech and Russian dis- and misinformation they utterly failed to stop, and Zuckerberg playing innocent at the same time SSandberg was hiring a Republican-centric oppo firm to attack critics of Facebook) it turns out that Schumer leaned on Mark Warner, who was trying to keep Zuckerberg in the hot seat in front of Senate Intelligence, and asked him to "back off the investigation".

And why would he do that, you ask? It turns out Schumer's daughter works at Facebook.

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#FatNixon tried to put his own lips on Mrs. Macron. No love lost there.

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I just got off the phone (706-855-4700) - got right through to a nice young lady. I referenced his name "Freddie Hilton" and his inmate number. I asked that his foot not be amputated without his consent, she said "we don't do that," and unless I was an immediate family member there was nothing else she could tell me.

I asked her to pass my message along and she said she would.

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It did ring a number of times before someone picked up.

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Who says sexism is dead!

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