Such asshattery doesn't "irritate liberals", it just makes us point & laugh.

Wait until the first person shot tries to sue him.

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I like how they work the phrase "gun nut" in there. I am, actually, anti-gun nut, but in the sense that I am against gun nuts, not in the way that he means.

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Those are some ugly shirts.

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Talk about embarrassing. He made his daughter and her friend wear the dumbest shirts ever, and they had to stand there and pose if they wanted money for a movie.

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Well, they'll get sued if it says "Juicy" across the back, so maybe "Exit Wound"? Or, "Future Darwin Award Winner"? Yeah, I'm going with that one.

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also intended to irritate liberals.

Because irritating conservatives is a good way to get shot.

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Go all the way and get an upper body tattoo that creates the illusion of wearing a shirt.

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What the well-dressed Palin will be wearing this spring.

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It seems that a good chunk of right-wing energy goes specifically toward "irritating liberals." That also seems to be one of the main guides of their moral compass and also a source of getting their rocks off. Does that seem like a trait of a higher-functioning animal or some kind of recessive sub-species?

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So what would the liberal counter-shirt be? A t-shirt with a bunch of text books printed under the sleeve so it looked like you were learning something? That would really piss off the conservatives amiright?

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Pretty much the same fashion statement as this t-shirt:

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OOOOhhhhhhh!!!!! I am so IRRITATED NOW!!!!!!!1!11!!!

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Yes I do... always loved that.

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I'm really unclear on why this would irritate liberals, wouldn't we PREFER that these jackasses advertise themselves this blatantly, so we know who to avoid interacting with? On my personal list of "things other humans can do to really irritate me", wearing ANY kind of insensitive or inflammatory messaging on your t-shirt or car bumper is pretty low.

Now, cut me off in a super dangerous way when we're both moving at 70+ MPH, that is a different discussion, but I'll be just as pissed if you have a coexist sticker as a don't tread on me flag :P

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I'm sure the location was chosen as a calculated insult.

I feel sorry for the two girls. Too old for Ted Nugent, too young for Roger Ailes.

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It also has the obligatory "STUPID" printed on the front with an arrow pointing up, right?

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