People maintain AT LEAST 6' distance from you.

That's what people used to wear asafoetida bags for.

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Our vet prescribed tick and flea repellent tablets for my Lab, who loves to romp around the pond in the back of our property. Every time I take him down there he comes back with nary a tick on him but I always discover at least a few ticks in my hair.

The dog goes for playtime; it's the human who comes home with ticks.

There's something very wrong about that.

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"In some cultures, it's a delicacy."

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Mercy my neighbor was just telling me about this simple cure today chemtrails.. harp .. and some kind of cannon we use to heat the planet because the chemtrailes cool the planet ( wew) right . My father was an epidemiologist . as a kid I got drug around the country from one animal virus to another for 12 years . 4 different schools in 5th grade . We sacrificed a lot as a family doing this . One thing for sure was that we were helping our fellow citizens live a safer life . There are too many stupid people among us . We could be doomed .

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Lol my pitbull keeps my property from a pink llama invasion too . go blue !! 2020

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I'm just curious, if staying at home quarantined keeps you from coming into contact with the virus do we still have to be washing our hands everytime we touch anything, and can we touch our faces in quarantine? Sorry someone downthread did give their opinion on the matter. Some places are on water restrictions and another thing is running hot water for 20 seconds umpteen times a day would seem to raise the electric bill, oui? Most of us won't be able to pay an electric bill here soon, just sayin'.


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We've got our supply of food, not a lot but I am going to try not to go out anymore. If you have food delivered maybe a waiting period outside for can goods before handling, or disinfecting everything you bring in before putting it away would work.

Fauci said if you get take out delivery to toss paper and wrapping outside, dont bring it in the house, it can also be on plastic containers but not the food itself. Maybe with gloves empty food into other containers, toss all original containers then wash and disinfect your hands, face and surfaces and doorknobs you touched bringing food into the house. Some of us can not get the virus at any cost.


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That song came out when I was an undergrad at FSU. Thanks for that little trip back in time 😊

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Darn it you beat me to it!!

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I used to be, but it's getting really hard to find 19th century furs running around. I'm moving into the future and trying my hand at trapping 20th century foxes.

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That sounds like the overture to some pretty asinine geophysics!

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Even the Republicans recognize that they've been fed a steady diet of bullshit for years now; That stuff has to go someplace.

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That's how you get them.

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Pffft you and your fancy-dancy definitions. What're you... some kind of librul?

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They had fires also too, so clearly, Jeebus is mad at them, obvs.

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