Is that a serious question? Especially since the actual choice would likely be between Bernie and Jeb?

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Well, I'm likely to be in the minority here, but let me just say FUCK, NO.

I was an adult Democrat in 1980, and my enduring memory of Teddy Kennedy is what an asshole he was to crater any chance that Carter had of being re-elected. Now, Reagan may well have won in any case, but Teddy's alienation of the liberal Dems from supporting Carter made the deal a fait accompli. And this brought us Reagan, and, I might mention, Tony Scalia. And all that jazz. And, for that matter, the fucking DLC, which was the only visible way to break the Republican hold on the White House.

Scalia and Thomas look like they're going to live through Obama's second term. It's really important that the next President be a Democrat, however centrist, just because of the SCOTUS appointments.

I am an old fart. So perhaps I am advocating "minimum damage" as superior to "maximum advantage". Maybe so. I suggest that we should take a long view, recognize that the demographic changes in the US are, in the long run, favorable to the liberal cause -- and then not do shit to fuck up in the short term.

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What state are you in, again?

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I don't think the teatards will go away until they prove how fucked up their ideas really are. Cruz or Rubio would try to eliminate most of the federal government and privatize everything else. If we don't let them fail soon they'll be as entrenched as racists are.

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Good lord, you're right. I could watch a full hour of this.

Battle of the plummy accents: <a href="http://youtu.be/AlxpEIMTkWM" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://youtu.be/AlxpEIMTkWM">http://youtu.be/AlxpEIMTkWM...

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¿Y qué?

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SCIENCE!! is all that face inspires. Or more accurately, the crazy hair.

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the part where it's not clear that Bernie would give up being an independent who causes with the Dems and actually decides to join the party? Whether he would do so is a legitimate question vs. running in the general as a third party candidate. BTW, the Dems will never be as frightened of the left as the GOP is frightened of the TP because we're not batshitcrazy, we're not as fanatical about voting- especially in off years (you can get the far right to turn out for dogcatcher elections, good luck getting the Dem base out for anything other than presidential elections) and we're not as stupid and gullible as the Tea Party, so it's much harder to manipulate us.

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get a few million of your friends to do the same and you might get the DNC's attention.

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And think of all the fun explodey-rage from the right! Hand me a tissue, please.

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I like the idea, as long as it shakes out that Madam Secretary doesn't have to spend her time paying lip service to constituencies she was likely (as a centrist) to disserve, while at the same time absorbing some of the bomb-throwing nonsense from the Opposition.

Heck, we might even get a brief but serious discussion about making Medicare/Medicaid available to all (in 2020) and that would be no bad thing.

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Maybe he could raise some money by getting some socialist hair care product endorsements? Not tested on animals of course.

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I hate to say it, but I agree

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Well, an <i>American</i> Socialist. Love Bernie dearly but we're not talking Tony Benn here.

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It would be a great way to motivate certain red states to finally follow through on their secession promises.

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"If Sanders can push Hillary even half as far left as Santorum/Gingrich/Cain/Bachmann/Perry/FOX pushed Romney to the right"

But that wouldn't happen, because the MSM would never cooperate and frame it that way. Instead, they will frame it as Bernie= loony out of touch lefty, Hillary= common sense center and the GOP candidate as the right. The media will never give any respect to the left the way they do the right- it will just be a chance for them to once again trot out their bullshit "both sides do it, see? the crazies on the left are as bad as the crazies on the right" nonsense.

We're talking about the same media that was scathing in their coverage of OWS while they fell all over themselves fellating the Tea Party. We're talking about the same media that swoons over CPAC every year while simultaneously ignoring the progressive caucus (has anyone read a single article about their 2015 budget from any mainstream source?).

Sadly, all this would do is give Hillary a chance to triangulate and distance herself from the "loony left", which would be painted by the MSM as a cartoon. A Sanders campaign won't pull her left, it will just provide her a chance to prove that she's one of the Very Serious People™ by denouncing the "extremists" in her own party. It really is true, the GOP fears its right flank, but the Dems despise their left flank- there's a reason why hippie punching remains such a popular pastime amongst the supposed liberals who run the party.

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