It always worked for Billo Reilly.

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Was she a hamster?

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Bury My Heart at the Yucca Mountain Repository.

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OK, so what's your triple point, anyway?

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Mr. Godwin, say hello to Mr. Poe.

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Business types don't believe this stuff. They just like it because it sounds better than "Lalalala I can't hear you lalalala!"

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tl;dr, but Fuck Yeah! <i>[upfist]</i>

(actually I did read it)

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<blockquote>Because while science isn’t a matter of “belief,” [...]</blockquote> Thank you. This whole phrasing (do you <b>believe</b> in climate change?) has been driving me nuts since day one. It makes the subject sound like a matter of faith and degrades it down to where it seems to exist on an equal footing with pseudoscience, like climate denial.

Science isn't a belief system but a methodical approach to inquiry that provides an overarching procedural framework for people who are attempting to discover factual things in the observable universe.

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Oh, good fucking fuck. Go recharge yourself.

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I'm sorry if I repeat anybody, I'm slightly too drunk to read all the comments.

This schmuck is, indeed, a physicist. He has done some reasonable work in adaptive optics. As regards global warming, his credibility is roughly the same as mine (B.S., Physics, U Wisconsin 69), because the except for the shit in which you specialize, you are a fucking civilian.

I mean, for fuck's sake, goddam Freeman Dyson is a fucking climate skeptic. Progressive dementia is a motherfucker.

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I think that one guy that time, when was it? ... ah, fuck it

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Poor Princeton. First that terrible Princeton Mom, and now this asshole.

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Analogy - confusing. Head spinning.....

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Just to add a depressing note, before the Nazis happened upon Zyklon B, they used truck exhaust - essentially, a mixture of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide - to gas Jews in concentration camps.

So the whole Jews = carbon dioxide analogy just might not be in the best of taste.

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<i>To everything, turn, turn, turn,....</i>

... sang Peter Pauli and Mary.

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...but I'm afraid I couldn't say a thing, Dave.

<i>Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do....</i>

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