Why can't you libs just can't take a stupid comment -- that is so painfully childish and unfunny -- as a joke...? I mean, come on, guys. A fat clown talking about lady tit boobs!! That's even more hilarious than the usual racism or murder jokes! You libunatics are no fun.

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Archie Bunker was funny. For some mysterious reason, it's just different with Limpblob. Maybe the fact that he's serious takes the fun out of it.

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So... does spilled gravy count?

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Good thing he's paid millions to work from home, because Limbaugh would be any company H.R. department's worst nightmare were he to actually come into contact with real live female employees.

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So let me offer a first suggestion, the first way to deal with this that came into my mind. You find yourself staring, looking at, casually glancing at a woman, but you know that it’s now socially taboo. You shouldn’t be doing it. And you think everybody is noticing you doing it and condemning you in their minds. You shouldn’t — so you walk up to the woman and say, “Will you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?”

They can't help it. They've never seen such a big boob in their lives.

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or it's a seeing eye dog

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Second comment. I am impress, Wonkerados!

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I'm thinking Drudge is more the queen of the hive mind (in more ways than one). I would call Rash the town crier, but that's Boehner's role. Limpdick will have to settle for court jester

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It is merely “human nature,” Rush explained, which liberals “just despise … and try to alter it and change it and create it.”

Hypocritical misogynist douchebag says what? Figures this would be among the few concessions to "human nature" that he approves of. (Male "nature" only, of course.)

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The only time I remember seeing bewbies that stared was an old movie called <i>Gothic</i>. And they blinked too, I recall.

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<i>but you know that it’s now socially taboo</i>

It's not suddenly NOW socially taboo. Being a leering pig has always been pretty much frowned upon. What's different now is the fact classless assholes have completely lost any pretense of respectability and are letting their mental sewer water leak out of their mouths by carrying on about it.

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"Do you have a mirror in your pocket? 'Cause I could see myself in your pants"

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and they wonder why we laugh at them for their Islamophobia

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But how <em>dare</em> you compare them to the Taliban!

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True, no way he'd be considered for Lou Reed's guestlist in the first place.

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I wonder how Gozongas will do in this years NCAA tournament?

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