There's a direct relationship between proximity to hate speech and engagement. They've known it for years, but they refuse to implement any actual solutions because all the effective ones also reduce engagement.

Every so often they put a little team together of people who care about the problem, they come up with solutions, and then the solutions get stuffed in a drawer because if it reduces engagement, it can't get past Zuck.

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Good points all. Thank you.

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There's no evidence he ever belonged on there?

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Generally, you need some charisma to convince people to vote for you. I'm not sure what delusion Zuck is under to think he could charm the vote out of anyone.

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according to an old episode of robert evans's podcast "behind the bastards", i think his inspiration comes from marc anthony, roman emperor.

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Thanks!This was my final post on facebook.

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They also flexed their muscles during the US 2016 election.

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Hoisted on their own petard!

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Facebook is the contemporary opiate of the people...the soul of our soul-less society.

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I mean he's not the first guy to ever act weird in a vehicle. But I get the point. They need to nuke Facebook from space, just to be sure.

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You have to go where the audience is. Of course, you can use an email list and contacting local media, but you’re competing for audience with others using Facebook, Twitter, etc. Plus FB actually lets you connect with possible audience members, generating word-of-mouth, which probably works better than a two-inch good review lost somewhere in the arts and entertainment section.

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I hope there are a lot of permanent deletions today!

(But I totally get that some people cannot!)

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I'm just shocked, I tells ya! A complete and utter surprise is what that was.

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There are no permanent deletions. Oh, they tell you that its possible - but they don't delete your stuff. Just in case you ever change your mind, you know. Unless someone blasts every single FB databank to a smoking crater, their grasp on your info will long outlive you.

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I think she'll be fine.There will be those that value her integrity and bravery.

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A very cogent counter-argument: https://www.stonekettle.com...

(Yeah, Jim is rather long-winded sometimes, but he makes absolutely valid points.

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