Yeah, there's nothing quite like rancid walnuts. I like to toast the pine nuts lightly in a skillet before working them into the pesto. Might try that with the walnuts. Thanks for the tip.
It's a tasty variant on the usual pesto recipe with pine nuts. You absolutely have to make sure the walnuts are fresh though. Old one give it an unpleasant aftertaste,
They're not going to be able to pass and enforce a law that is so clearly unconstitutional and the vast majority of the American people would vehemently oppose. There would be massive protests if they even tried passing an anti gay "propaganda" law, and any politician who voted for it, or didn't condemn it, would enrage the American people.
DDC 251 [Homiletics]. Should I apply standard subdivisions for geographical locations? As that directs me to to go to 270 to class it as the geographical treatment of Christianity as a whole.
They are banned in various states, mostly southern, and other countries. While I did not do this display, I did help the person that did it. Alice in Wonderland is banned in China. Librarians know how to do research fairly well.
I wonder why those went out of fashion? We covered ALL our textbooks with them, because they were all so worn-out looking. Some of us had a system - blue theme for history, green theme for science, multi-colored theme for foreign languages, etc. There were paisley and flowered and wild psychedelic and nature scenes, outer space scenes, underwater scenes, even white with black outlined scenes you could color in yourself to your own taste, anything you wanted, in sizes adaptable to any size book. But today I don't see them anywhere.
Not really. Donald Trump is not a dictator and a case has to get before the supreme court before it can even be considered, and in the case of a anti gay "propaganda" law, its unlikely to pass anywhere in the country. Also with each passing year, the percentage of the America population who supports LGBT rights pretty much only keeps increasing.
You might need a good laugh.... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Yeah, there's nothing quite like rancid walnuts. I like to toast the pine nuts lightly in a skillet before working them into the pesto. Might try that with the walnuts. Thanks for the tip.
It's a tasty variant on the usual pesto recipe with pine nuts. You absolutely have to make sure the walnuts are fresh though. Old one give it an unpleasant aftertaste,
They're not going to be able to pass and enforce a law that is so clearly unconstitutional and the vast majority of the American people would vehemently oppose. There would be massive protests if they even tried passing an anti gay "propaganda" law, and any politician who voted for it, or didn't condemn it, would enrage the American people.
Dang, I may have to try that.
DDC 251 [Homiletics]. Should I apply standard subdivisions for geographical locations? As that directs me to to go to 270 to class it as the geographical treatment of Christianity as a whole.
Be Gat.
If you woukd like too, that would be great! Make sure you go to your local library first and make sure they have LGBTQ books available :) 💓💓
In our cardigans and sweaters, listening to children play roadblocks.
They are banned in various states, mostly southern, and other countries. While I did not do this display, I did help the person that did it. Alice in Wonderland is banned in China. Librarians know how to do research fairly well.
I wonder why those went out of fashion? We covered ALL our textbooks with them, because they were all so worn-out looking. Some of us had a system - blue theme for history, green theme for science, multi-colored theme for foreign languages, etc. There were paisley and flowered and wild psychedelic and nature scenes, outer space scenes, underwater scenes, even white with black outlined scenes you could color in yourself to your own taste, anything you wanted, in sizes adaptable to any size book. But today I don't see them anywhere.
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom?
That dude is a troll. He likes to play Devil's Advocate on the reg. To what end, I have no idea.Btw, no one is coming to take your guns, "Molon Labe."
As the son of a retired librarian I give this comment all the upfists.
Not really. Donald Trump is not a dictator and a case has to get before the supreme court before it can even be considered, and in the case of a anti gay "propaganda" law, its unlikely to pass anywhere in the country. Also with each passing year, the percentage of the America population who supports LGBT rights pretty much only keeps increasing.