I’m not saying it’s the ideal, not the reality. Although if you were a common local government employee, as opposed to a congress critter, the government would take this position on sexual harassment. Not included in the performance of your duties, so not their job to defend you.

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Correcting my reply to your reply- it should be the ideal.

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Did you remember to calculate in Apple pi?

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They are like the saddest Pokémon ever

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Those who claim conservatives only understand protest when the protesters are victims of the injustice they are protesting are clearly wrong.

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In the video. Point is, the guy set himself up-under current laws that we give our consent to-to get mugged by cops

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I mean what the police did in the video was perfectly legal

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you are re-framing the issue in a way different than the author of the article framed the issue. I am responding to the idea that the civilian in the video acted as though he had "the talk" and did nothing wrong. Do you think the cops will be charged with breaking the law for tackling this guy and tasing him? Nope, they followed the law (and then broke it by filing false reports).

And you are making my point for me, if I didn't do a good job in the first place: under current law, the police can pull us out of our cars and do exactly what they did to this guy if we choose to argue with them. Beat us up, tase us, whatever. Your point may not be that the police should beat everyone down that gives them lip, but my point is that the issue is not entirely race.

Why is it that we have laws that allow us to be killed, beat up, whatever, for talking back to a cop? The story is that this happens to everyone. Everyone. Your point cannot be that this only happens to minorities? You make a straw white woman argument?

Because yes, minorities are more likely to encounter this kind of thing, administrative beatings, tasings, killing. But the police kill and beat up EVERYONE that they want to.

AND WE GIVE OUR CONSENT and make rationalizations that the laws themselves are not the problem, it's the unequal application of the law. Or the problem is that they lied on some paperwork.

The problem is that we give our consent to the police doing this to EVERYONE and anyone. The problem is that the police don't break the law when the shoot an unarmed american, or beat down an american for not saying please and thank you. We created this

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OH BULLSHIT- my point, and the author's, is that black people and white people get treated far differently under similar circumstances. White people DON'T face this sort of treatment, and THAT is why it's tolerated by them- because it doesn't effect them. No, police CANNOT pull you out of your car and beat you if you argue with them. It's not legal for them to do so- which is why they don't try it with white people very often, especially white people of means who can afford to fight back. They do pull that shit with people of color though, NOT because they have a legal right to do so, but because they can usually get away with it anyways.

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You seem like an ignorant sock puppet here to throw shit, rather than offering any real insight into the problem at hand. There are probably other web sites where your opinions might be better received.

Have a great day!

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To answer your question, he was driving a Mercedes. The cop wanted to search it. He had nothing that would get him a warrant, so he needed an arrest which would lead to the car being impounded.

Listen to the cop before the cover officers arrive. He tells Brown that he'll decide whether to write a citation or something else after backup arrives. This is a simple parking matter. He could write a ticket and move the fuck on. He was contriving a circumstance that would lead to an arrest.

Watch the cop when the cover officers show up. He walks back, tells his story about Brown getting "up in his face/grill" a couple times, then walks back to the car, shines his flashlight in the back seat, looks around . . . The other cops are doing the same. They never once saw Brown as a threat. Prior to yelling at him to take his hands out of his pockets, his hands had been in and out of his pockets dozens of time without anyone saying anything.

This sort of scenario plays out somewhere every day. Cops make arrests for the sole purpose of impounding people's cars so they can search them.

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...or so they can keep them.

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The more this shit goes down the more I realize I am not a Real American because I do not consume in the first place any of the things I would be boycotting. (And I take boycotts seriously. I still pretty much don't eat table grapes.)

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