I mean, they do in Italy. I was just telling Stephen about how the Carabinieri regularly arrest full-on mafiosi without being armed.

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I am guessing (got a number for this?) that traffic stops (i.e. tickets) are the cash cow for many municipalities and the reason no one ones to do anything about it.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...


The stats on MJ arrests are down, ‘cause the cops quit reporting all kinds of stats. Also, just because someone lives in a medical or recreational state - doesn’t mean the system is done messing with you.

Yes Good ole Joe pardon 6 thousand people - but not a single person was let out of jail or had their record expunged.

If we don’t legalize cannabis completely, cops will continue to use that as a pretext for ruining people’s life (see Medical MJ patient above).

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The cash cow is the american tax payer and farmer congressman would like you to pay for this leather gripped shock prod plz.

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I said the exact same thing to Mr. Pat the other day. I don't want anyone becoming a cop who WANTS to wear a scary uniform and a badge and have free license to fuck peoples' shit up because they're in a bad mood. IMHO, only bullies *want* to be cops.

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I'd argue that this horror demonstrates the exact opposite of your conclusion. Maybe you need more cops when you have too many guns (I don't believe that) but how about we get rid of the guns? Hmmmm?

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JFC! I knew about CAF but I had no idea of the magnitude.

Double JFC, it sounds like we have very similar laws in Ontario.

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That was the point in Clockwork Orange when Alex's Droogs became cops.

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NYC mayor Eric Adams keeps writing checks with his mouth that his ass cannot cash.

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Oh yeah, they'll spy on women. Gotta have some admin on that.

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my "patient liason" heard on the grapevine rumors about the man who was killed that apparently he was sleeping with one of the officers' wives so it was personal.

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There was a serial killer in Texas in the early Seventies named Dean Corll. He killed 28 young men and boys (they stopped counting and looking after they found victim 28). The crimes took place in a certain area of Houston. Two families lost two sons each. Guess what the police response was to the missing boys? “They probably ran away.” Some of these boys disappeared on their way from home the local swimming pool! Who runs away from home without packing clothes?! Watch enough true crime videos and you’ll be astounded by how many times cops have fallen on that “runaway” excuse to not do their damn jobs.

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Damn, you are on fire, Robin.

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Please. I haven't watched SVU with any regularity in years, but even I know that even the fictionalized, copagandized version don't have a 100% arrest or conviction rate.

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All merges should be zipper merges.

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It's a problem when a union starts to function more like a gang.

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