There are shitloads of things that need done in all those rural places that haven't been addressed in decades because good ol' Finance couldn't figure out a way to make enough money to be bothered. Maybe Biden'll announce an Infrastructure Week.

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Well, that's a relief. When I go to a party, the first thing I do is locate an asshole who's guaranteed to scream incoherent nonsense and death threats in my face because I'm a liberal. That's the only way to truly have fun at a party.

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Marshall's around 3,600 residents away from being official designated a town (at least in my state. Your state may vary.).

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The police chief looks like he comes straight outta of Deplorable central casting.

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Lang, here's a refresher course that you desperately need. When you type in the web address of parler dot com, and you highlight the address, out pops something that looks like "www." WWW means World Wide Web. This means that people all over the world can see what you post if they look hard enough. Yes, as a private citizen, you can say whatever you want in the privacy of your own home. But when you are on the World Wide Web, and use your real name on a website like the one you are associated with, saying the $#!# you say, the whole world now know who and what you are. That by default makes you the ambassador of Marshall, Arkansas to the whole wide world. That's why you had to resign as police chief. Sad part is, I did a Google Maps zoom in of your town. Right before you get into town coming up from Little Rock, there a beautiful view off of US 65 of the Ozarks going off into the distance. Views like that entice some people to visit, and sometimes, even move to a place like that. But thanks to your post, you will be seen as another Deplorableville where people that are not like yourself are not welcome.

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He's a little vague about what's got him so het up. The Affordable Care Act? The Civil Rights Act? Medicare? Winning World War II? Social Security Insurance? Defeating the Confederacy? Freeing the slaves? Winning the Revolutionary War?

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Those dorks at that site apparently think natsec can't see everything they do.

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Could I just ask a little question?

Officer Friendly up there said "Do not forget what these Marxist Democrat bastards have tried to do."

But what, exactly was it that we tried to do?

Give them health coverage?

And that makes me think of another question... he said "When you see one in public get in their face do not give them any peace. Throw water on them at restaurants. Push them off sidewalks. Never let them forget they are traitors and have no right to live in this Republic after what they have done."

But how, exactly did this dude think he was going to recognize these Marxist Democrats when they were out in public?

Does he think we all have horns?

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Probably not long and it may be a somewhat bigger town too.

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Too damned many.

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Depict a police chief who looks and talks like that on a fictional TV series and all the right-wingers will howl, "So slanderous and unfair!"

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I do believe you, BigBoppa. I believe you. Sob.

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I believe they are going to stay scared shitless and paranoid because it's the only mental state with which they feel comfortable! They are still saying that Barack Obama is a Kenyan Muslim terrorist who wanted to take their guns away only never got around to it in a mere eight years.Million to one they will never stop referring to AOC as a "bartender" either.

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It's easy. First you get a bitter acrimonious divorce. From facts and reality. Such as Donald Trump did long ago. You can believe anything and justify anything then.

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Because those ignoramuses are melanin deficient. That is the whole definition of a "Real American." Just ask Newt Gingrich if you can control your gag reflex that long.I know.Didn't suppose you could.

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