Aren't you in the Spfld. area? I'm always taking long motorcycle rides. Maybe we could meet in Northampton? Are you able to get there?

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I'm in Amherst! So, one town over from NoHo.

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Can you get over there today or tomorrow? I'll cruise down.

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I’ll say.

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Can someone explain to me again why Tim McVeigh was not a terrorist?

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diseased tree?

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You know why...

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Is that why Lindsey, in the words of the always useful Charlie Pierce, "went palomino"?

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Lindsey seems a bit subdued today. I can't wait to see if this is true! So excited.

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I always thought he had some long time male secretary, who just happened to travel with him everywhere he went. God, how I hope this hooker story is true.

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Man those few bad apples are everywhere

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Waitaminnit!What "white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement"?? I'm pretty sure they've been there a long, long time https://myfox8.com/wp-conte...

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Yeah but Chuck and Nancy have antifa supersoliders , so guess it’s even

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The cops look after their own I see!

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Actually, sometimes the military training is way better and more humane than the current practice for police. One ex-MP lost his police job for de-escalating with a guy trying to suicide-by-cop. At least our military still trains soldiers to see people as human beings. The cops? Not so much.

Other than that, spot on. Though getting rid of the unions needs to be top billing there as well. They are bad organizations.

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Bundy is a brute.

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