Excellent. Perhaps we should have a migration of Wonkers.

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I suspect it needs more pro-gun and anti-Obama bumper stickers.

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FYI, <a href="http:\/\/funnyfailpictures.com\/2008\/10\/free-candy-van-fail-picture.html" target="_blank">this is the red van</a> in question.

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FLOTUS is just fine. Ignore please.

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The First Lady's biceps make me a little sweaty - and I'm gay.

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And a RINO one at that!

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I still recall how the media and the right lambasted Hillz for being a too-political First Lady when she took up the banner of universal healthcare. Given the stupid anger at what should be pretty universally accepted good acts (healthy eating, exercise, gardening) you imagine the vitriol if Michelle pushed a more "political" agenda? Good lord, there's no winning either way.

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<i>"Oh, we get it! Linda Hirshman is a giant asshole!"</i>

AS 7.2 on the Limbaugh scale.

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Good thing we live in a post racial world, or so I understand from Faux 'n Friends.

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