Honestly? It wouldn't shock me to hear that he's actually in hock up to his eyeballs, and all that "wealth" was really just some very fancy footwork.

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Okay. But the tradeoff is that if we do as you suggest, we simply lose any ability to refer to anyone who is further left than Clinton is, and we encourage those many, many people who consider anyone who IS further left than Clinton is to be crazy or otherwise unworthy of even talking to. Which is EXACTLY how politics has moved so far to the right in this country in the last 30 years in the first place.

If every time politics moves to the right, we move 'the left' along with it, then WE LOSE.

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"In our modern-day America politics, she's pretty representative of our left-wing, sorry if that bothers you, but it's the truth."

It's true as long as we let the Republicans define what the 'left wing' is. Fortunately for you, we all seem to. Handy!

"It may amuse you to use your own words against you, but according to him, he's not actually a Democrat at all."

Uh... so? He never said he wasn't a liberal. Just that he wasn't a Democrat. And since by any definition not made up by the Republicans there are almost no liberals IN the Democratic party, I'm not sure exactly how this is supposed to be 'using my own words against me'. I certainly never said that Clinton wasn't a Democrat, just that she was a centrist.

Hell, all the Republicans who were sane left the Republican party and moved to the Democratic party long ago. It's just another reason that Clinton, Obama, et al are now considered, by you and people like you to be the absolute furthest left that we should even be talking about in this country.

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Do tell. We all have to call Clinton left-wing, a liberal, a progressive, and a Democrat. We can't call her centrist, or even center-left or a 'moderate'.

So how do we refer to someone who is actually, you know, liberal? "Far left"? Yeah, that'll go over well.

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I think, if you don't live in the country or follow its politics closely, you only hear the fringe/extreme people :P

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Ever get bit by a mouse?

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I had to unfollow about half a dozen of my friends on FB because they suddenly became ardent Apostles of Saint Bernard and the sudden misogyny (not even borderline, and I'm sure they aren't even aware it was misogyny) was sickening. Even when I explained why it was misogyny, they doubled down and rationalized everything. I'm not even sure they'll be sufferable after January's inauguration. It's been that bad.

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The Mother Jones article was dead wrong. See the Atlantic for details: http://www.theatlantic.com/...

If Warren simply took a DNA test then we would get a lot closer to the truth.

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Woman here, and I see some nutbar Berniebro stuff, but much more "OMG all Bernie supporters are misogynists and closet Trump fans" stuff, esp. on the Wonkettes. Like the comrade at the top of the feed who is outraged that anyone would say that Hilary is a centrist. Hilary who called black men superpredators, voted for the Iraq War and was against gay marriage as recently as 2005 is, of course, of unimpeachable left-wing virtues. She's almost Fidel Castro with a better haircut.

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>You sound like those wingnuts saying that "cisgender" isn't a word.

It's interesting that you mention "cisgender"

From a post a few hours ago:

=====BEGIN PASTE====FreeCandyVanDriver

4 hours ago

Last year (literally 6 months ago) I thought "cisgender" was clumsy and awkward. Farcical and ugly on its face and unnecessary. A word useful only for trolling on 4chan.

I have come around, as an ally, because there really isn't a word otherwise, without being even more clumsy. Fuck it, I'm using it.

====END PASTE====

I can evolve. Just because my OCD is triggered doesn't mean I'm a wingnut.

But "fen" is atrocious spelling and grammar. Because "cisgender" doesn't have a one-word equivalent while "fans" is the actual word that "fen" means - therefore "fen" is not only atrocious, but needlessly redundant (as opposed to other kinds of redundancy)

So neener-neener. Pbbbbbbbbthhh.

And have a great day.

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Cromulent! Damn your vocabulary runs deep. Still, not as bigly as trump, if I'm to believe his orangeness.

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Thanks D F! I appreciate your nuance. That's where all the fun is! Happy weekend!

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And you didn't prove your point.

D- for nukey

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Back to remedial critical thinking for nukey.

Oh wait, do you live in Texass? Then scratch the remedial.

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....and your examples of this?

On other sites, I mean?

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Wait. Your bell bottoms still fit you? I can't make that claim, which was the death of my elephant bells.

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