Politico, where sad hacks go to fester.

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The judges would also accept "Shut The Fuck Cup"

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You know who else was a strawman? It's Hitler.

Oh did I do that wrong? My Politico.

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I am wondering if this Po'o article was totally plagiarized from unskewedfacts.com

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Grasping at straws? They're giving The Scarecrow a fucking handie.

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You're not so bold! Strawman! POOPIE PANTS JERKFACE OBAMA!!

*Politico runs away crying*

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<i>Cap-and-trade legislation akin to McCain-Lieberman has been dead for some time, and Obama’s one of the guilty parties.</i>

By this logic, the Secret Service killed President Kennedy!

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Of course. but CEOs are a superior breed of creature, deserving every good thing that befalls them, even after they fuck it all up on a titanic scale. If you doubt this, just ask any CEO on the Compensation Committee.

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'I'm so confused.... "

I see a future for you writing at Politico

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today's ear worm is brought to you by the good folks at...

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Even shorter, even more appropriate = POLITICO: STFU.

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expecting Politico to actually make sense was your first mistake...

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when he found out that Oz shortchanged the Tinman

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how else will they keep the mouth breathers that fill their comments section clicking on their stories?

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Is that the best coffee mug Politico can come up with? Wonkette is kicking their ass on content *and* merchandising.

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and lots of major seventh chords

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