"... It was signed by the hand of Ray Kock. My dad had done a little training lesson or whatever for Scrote's when there was just a handful of restaurants and I saw this thing and was like, this is a gold mine, dad! What are you doing?"

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And this bird you cannot change.

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<i>including selling fitness equipment. </i>

Door-to-door Thighmaster, no doubt.

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In China, it's called "The American Owl Restaurant". Which makes you wonder what kind of wings you'll get there.

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There was a C. O. Jones restaurant in Connecticut, I think, for a while. Until the unformatted name got discovered.

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Was "selling fitness equipment" part of some MLM scam? Because I don't really think it counts as a job if your net income is negative.

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What do your friends call you, may I ask?

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