The Miss Universe pageant obviously agrees, which is why they booted Trump's ass from their organization.

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But again, though, Trump's an attention whore. A male Kim Kardashian if you will (Sorry Kanye.) He's doing this because he was bounced from his failing reality show and someone wasn't paying attention to him for a whole two seconds. I'll bet if Bravo offered him as host as a prostitution reality competition, he'd leave his "sworn duties to the office" in the heartbeat.

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The bizarre thing is that Trump supporters (yes, I've talked to a few) constatly mention being followers of his for being "the only honest politicians out there."


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Upvoted just for "Rederpyblerp". That's what I am going to be calling them from now on.

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They are demanding the media tells them their big bloated assess don't look fat in that dress

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You either get it right away or else you never get it at all. If you get it, no explanation is necessary. If you don't get it, no explanation will suffice. Either way, it's not something that you can consciously control. You don't choose to like ponies; ponies choose to like you.

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Isn't that just like the press, trying to confuse us with their so-called facts? As if easily verifiable reality had any relevance at all in this election?

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Nah, I'd question that part, too. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

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That's what worries me. Everyone, including yours truly, was absolutely *sure* in late '79 and early '80 ('75 and '76, too) that Reagan didn't have a ghost of a chance of getting elected President. I mean, have you ever listened to the guy?

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And Reagan was just a washed-up actor who thought he was still starring in a movie. His candidacy will never go anywhere, we all said. Can you imagine him sitting across the table from Brezhnev, we all said. The American people will never fall for that, we all said. No way, we all predicted, with unflinching certainty.

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This country has been going downhill since May 14, 1607.

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18 PTSD, 3 STD and a cold sore.

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or as Linnaeans have it "Lies, damn lies and cladistics"

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I thought I would add this, give those folks a little help figuring out how to navigate this complicated world.


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(Fact: Obama was not sworn in as commander-in-chief until 2009. We looked it up.)Carly Fiorina spits on your "looking stuff up". That is the kind of low-down, dirty, underhanded tactic down to which she will not stoop!

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if you were to multiply 37 and 61 and divide by ponies, you’d get an entirely different number, ...

ZOMG! The Chatcave is infested with MLP. Now Kaili's got it.

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