"This President’s actions have marginalized the role that the American people play in creating the laws that govern them."

Unlike what you and your fellow GOPtards do at the behest of the NRA. Right. When can we sue <i>you?</i>

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"Logically, I should set my phaser to 'vaporize"."

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Is there, by any chance, a record of what these GOPtards said at the time Obama announced the delay?

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<i>"Someday, Republicans will wise up and stop listening to Ted Cruz," a disgusted Representative Peter King of New York told reporters. </i>

When Peter King is disgusted with you, you know you've hit bottom. Also, it's "You must act on your own to fix the immigration mess you made, <i>and do it without any money." </i>

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<i>“One man who can both make the laws and enforce the laws is a king, not a president.”</i>

Well, technically that's an 'autocrat'.

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<i>Chuck Johnson will not be mocked.</i>

Chuck C. Johnson, Award-Winning Journalist(TM) <i>is</i> Happy Fun Ball!

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<em>You might say it’s illogical that they now want to take Barack Obama to court for not inflicting this tyrannical law quickly enough, but you would be wrong.</em>

Indeed. What is truly illogical is what happened today, when the House That Couldn't Shoot Straight failed to get enough support for their own "border security" bill, punted on the vote, and then got on TV and told the President "You must act on your own to fix the immigration mess you made."

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If the statement "Delaying one deadline for a law I think is Unconstitutional is TYRANNY" makes sense to you, you're a crazy person. Congratulations, House Republicans.

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There's someone in that picture that doesn't belong ... ah yes, Cantor. What the fuck is he doing there? Go home Eric.

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