Drumpf is prematurely shooting his wad by seating O-my Cooties Baretta to SCt before the election. With that, there's no big item to deliver. Who needs him anymore? Repubs should now vote for Biden since drumpf acted on their wet dream of forcing every pregnancy to birth -- and oddly thereby increasing diversity.
The Mexicans in Texas are becoming actually joining evangelical churches. Catholicism is becoming much less common even south of the border and into South America.
Hey y'all. I've been gone a long time, is this still where we come to talk shit??I'm sure the debate will be totally, super chill tonight, so I came here to not freak out.
A Hispanic organizer in my local Democratic party organization says not to rely on immigration. The people he talks to are motivated by education and health care. Those should be winning issues but only if we talk about them.
Who in the hell are the 15% of Democrats that don't think he should commit to a peaceful transfer of power? Trump supporters who lied to the pollsters?
Of those democrats who say Assmouth should NOT commit to a peaceful transfer of power, guaranteed a not-insignificant percent of them are saying it because they know that shit really pisses off a lot of people. Nothing he actually says at this point will change anyone’s opinion, only solidify them. So if something he says hardens the peckers of the people who planned to vote against him anyway, all to the good.
LOL @ East Jesus.
Drumpf is prematurely shooting his wad by seating O-my Cooties Baretta to SCt before the election. With that, there's no big item to deliver. Who needs him anymore? Repubs should now vote for Biden since drumpf acted on their wet dream of forcing every pregnancy to birth -- and oddly thereby increasing diversity.
The Mexicans in Texas are becoming actually joining evangelical churches. Catholicism is becoming much less common even south of the border and into South America.
Hey y'all. I've been gone a long time, is this still where we come to talk shit??I'm sure the debate will be totally, super chill tonight, so I came here to not freak out.
I did write that
And yet the Titans had to close down until at least Saturday.
Ta, Liz.
The mask isn't for Covid-19, she just doesn't want her friends and family knowing she is there.
A Hispanic organizer in my local Democratic party organization says not to rely on immigration. The people he talks to are motivated by education and health care. Those should be winning issues but only if we talk about them.
Maybe they think he should ekorts out from the stress of losing, and die on election night. With votes.
welcome back. where you been?
Who in the hell are the 15% of Democrats that don't think he should commit to a peaceful transfer of power? Trump supporters who lied to the pollsters?
Of those democrats who say Assmouth should NOT commit to a peaceful transfer of power, guaranteed a not-insignificant percent of them are saying it because they know that shit really pisses off a lot of people. Nothing he actually says at this point will change anyone’s opinion, only solidify them. So if something he says hardens the peckers of the people who planned to vote against him anyway, all to the good.
See above...if I actually read comments before adding my own I would have responded to you.
This is actually a good point...I wonder how many GOPpers will suddenly grow a soul as soon as her confirmation is complete?
While I support the idea conceptually, probably best to avoid ANY risk of it being thrown out 😪