Morton's is where you go when you can't get into a really good steakhouse.

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She is a Dartmouth graduate. And they need to denounce her.

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My Dad only got as far as shuffling around the back yard with his pants down.

There is probably a sad story about this Florida Man.

Anyway...go Donnie!

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And as badly as teachers in public ed are paid, they'll be paid less working in these little private "academies", (and they're all called academies, aren't they?), than they ever were. The requirements will be slashed to the bone so that anybody can teach, and they'll work for slave wages and no protections and call it freedom.

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Spem derelinquatis omnes qui huc intratis.

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You just KNOW Chris Cilizza has a column ready to go, explaining how every time an American does better, it hurts President Biden.

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Actually removing the members of Congress who abetted and supported the rioters would be amazing. I did not expect that to be even a possibility. I'm sure their mostly Republican governors would appoint some other fascist dickheads in their place to serve out their terms, but at least we'd get the worst of them out.

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Well, 23% of the country still thought GWB was doing a splendid job in Fall 2008 when the country was in an economic free fall.

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Not gonna lie, I'm seriously thinking about leaving the field. Only thing is, I'm old and unemployable. I could certainly participate in some volunteerism.

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How many times has this car been keyed?

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For me it was Brian Williams, back when he hosted the evening news. WAY before times!

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Well, 20% of us are probably crazy as well; we’re just…creatively crazy. Look at it this way—it’s not surprising, just through observation, that 20% of other drivers have problems (many memories of my dad shaking a fist at some car and saying, “Crazy bastards!”).

Or, you know, 2 out every 10 people you encounter perceive reality a little differently than anybody else. And they’re not all guys wearing shorts with suspenders along with a propeller cap and surgical gloves.

Some of them are just Joes and Janes going to work, and they later turn up as our barista, lawyer, co-worker who interrogates you over the newspaper crossword every workday morning, and the guy on the train who claims he’s Jesus.

It’s a spectrum.

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… you’re going to get 20-30% insane responses no matter the circumstance27%

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I so love the mix of expert lawsplaining and snark in Liz’s writing. Thanks you, Liz! Always great to have legal stuff broken down for us IANAL types.

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